



GhanaWeb TV




Anansi Goes Fishing

Eric A. Kimmel

$ 3.14 (new)
$ 1.97 (used)

Paperback (28 pages)

Live Oak Media

Editorial Description

Anansi the spider plans to trick Turtle into catching a fish for his dinner, but Turtle proves to be smarter and ends up with a free meal. Explains the origin of spider webs.

Reader Reviews

Kids love tricksters!
Anansi is lazy and he likes to play tricks! This time, turtle outsmarts Anansi. Anansi does all of the work while turtle gets tired. The kids in my class ask to listen to this book and the other Anansi tales, retold by Eric Kimmel, over and over again. This one takes a little bit more thinking to figure out what the tricks are.

We love Anansi!
All the books in the Anansi series are fun! We love to read them to our children for many reasons: They learn something (at least somewhat) useful, they're enjoyable for them AND they're enjoyable for us! The kids love to see how someone will trick this lazy spider!

The first time we found this book was in a library, and it was a 'book on tape' set. If you can find this, we recommend it, too, as the reader is very funny! :)

In this book, Anansi wants a fish just like his friend the turtle has just caught. And what fun it is to see the logic turtle uses to get Anansi to do all the work while turtle 'gets tired'! We love this book! It is good clean fun! :)