
Enough is enough; clean Accra now

Filth And Bush In Accra We just don

Mon, 7 Aug 2017 Source: Sara Asafu-Adjaye

I am so tired and fed up of living in a filthy city where people urinate and defecate in the open; there are stinking open gutters everywhere and you have no choice but to drive past piles of decomposing refuse on the sides of the roads.

Motorists in nice cars throw water sachets out of their windows yet look down on trotro passengers who do the same. SMH. We just don’t care!

The fact that, between Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the Ministry of Sanitation, we have not seen any discernible difference in the state of Accra’s sanitation over the last 3 months (I even gave them a grace period of 3 months to settle into their respective roles) is a serious indictment on both agencies.

I hope that the newly created Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation is keeping track of the situation. People keep saying that attitudinal change is required of residents but I strongly disagree. I think law enforcement is needed first!

The average Ghanaian will just let things slide until they are COMPELLED and/or PENALIZED to do the right thing. Confession time, I am a total Borla Tyrant in my own compound and I do not hesitate to pick up discarded water sachets and take away packs on the road as I walk around my area. As and when the need arises, I personally unclog the gutters in front of my house.

And I expect and demand the same of those who work for me or live near me. But it is not my job! I do it simply because I choose not to live in filthy surroundings exposing me and my family to disease.

However, like many other city residents, I pay a monthly fee to have a company that is officially contracted, mandated and PAID, collect my waste and generally help keep my neighbourhood clean.

They are irregular and mediocre at best.

You and I elect MPs to pass legislation that will benefit the nation (and by default, their constituencies) and we elect governments who campaign (and win) on their promise to work towards improving the standard of living, health and education of every single citizen.

The structures and systems exist, and have done so for decades … why can they/we not get it right? How much longer do they need? Every time I hear the presenters on various radio stations read/quote from the National Sanitation Policy I fume inwardly.

We know better so we should and can do better. Till then, I and other concerned Citizens may be merely “shouting into the wind” but we will not keep quiet … CLEAN GHANA NOW!!

Columnist: Sara Asafu-Adjaye