
Was Ex-President Kufuor Not Ashamed Of Going To The Castle? Part-5

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

Ghana’s print and electronic media were so biased against objectivity that several attempts made by Ex-Prez. Kufuor to eliminate his predecessor J.J Rawlings were NEVER published or brought to the PUBLIC- DOMAIN. Mr. J.A Kufuor was a former Member of Parliament on the ticket of the late Victor Owusu’s Popular Front Party from 1979 to 1981. Under President Hilla Limann’s PNP government. He was detained in protective custody along side PNP members of Parliament after the PNDC overthrow Dr. Limann’s government with J.J Rawlings as the Chairman and leader of the 31st December revolution in 1981. Hon, J.A Kufour, the then PFP Member of Parliament was the FIRST PERSON to be released from PRISON in February 1982 after the coup d’etat that brought the PNDC to power. At the request of Mr. J.A Kufuor, Chairman Rawlings had his SEIZED Peugeot car number AM 963 released to him and Kufuor’s parliamentary loan owing on the CAR WRITTEN OFF. Chairman Rawlings then made Mr. J.A Kufuor to join the revolution and serve in the PNDC. Mr. Kufuor agreed and was appointed PNDC Secretary (Minister) of Local Government in March 1982 and later resigned from the PNDC government in August 1982 by honourably tendering in a letter of resignation to the PNDC and Chairman Rawlings also accepted his resignation letter by formally writing another letter to Kufuor and wished him well. The rest is History. Chairman Rawlings prosecuted a Revolution with A Human Face with the help of Cadres of the 31st December Revolution from 1981-1992 until he resigned from the Armed Forces and contested the 1992 general elections as civilian and beat the late Professor Adu Boahe, the then flag bearer of the Narcotics Peddlers Party (NPP). It was Adu Boahen who named his dog after Rawlings because he claimed that his dog was stubborn like Rawlings. It was the same Adu Boahen who “coined that ethnocentric slogan “Yegye Ye man”- an Akan word which means that we will claim our country. I mean, you will claim your country from whom? They Replied that Rawlings was a stranger SO ANY Ghanaian who is not an Akan is a stranger who most NEVER RULE Ghana at all. This is the NPP for you. As if that was NOT ENOUGH, the late Adu Boahen coined another ethnocentric slogan saying “Akonta Be Si Fam”. They were again referring to Jerry Rawlings who has married Nana Konadu Agyeman –an Asante Royal Lady. Professor Adu Boahen lost the 1992 general elections and decided to plunge Ghana into a bloody civil war after meeting all the leading NPP members including Mr. Kufuor as well as their crooks in cassocks who fully supported them to Break up Ghana because they lost the elections to a “stranger”. They then decided to formally inform the late Otumfuo Opoku Ware II about their EVIL INTENTION, but the Asante King warned them and seriously REBUKED them. Feeling very disappointed, Prof. Adu Boahen boycotted the 1992 parliamentary elections and described the late Asante King as an NDC member in 1992. These political criminals had then SENT ALL THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS OUTSIDE Ghana before going to the Manhyia Palace to seek the endorsement of the late Asante King but the King told them point blank that he hated bloodshed, lawlessness, chaos and anarchy NOT only in the Ashanti Region but Ghana as a whole. He asked Prof. Adu Boahen, J.A Kufuor, Akenten Appiah Menkah and the rest whether they were Animals Human Being or Human Breasts – they recoiled into their Shells like Snails and put their tails in between their wobbling legs and left the Manhyia Palace shamefully in 1992.

In the year 2000, the NPP won the general elections by beating the then candidate Mills because the NDC resorted to DICTATORSHIP in 2000 by imposing unpopular Parliamentary candidates in the various Constituencies and lost to Mr. J.A Kufuor. After wining the general elections, President elect J.A Kufour visited Rawlings at the Castle, Osu and they held a very friendly meeting, but after the meeting, Kufuor’s private car developed a fault at the Castle and President Rawlings arranged for a state Protocol Division Mercedes Benz Saloon car to take him home. Mr. Kufour used that car until he was sworn in as President on January 7th 2001, afterJ.J earlier sent Armed soldiers and policemen to protect the new President elect.

Ex-President Kufuor’s Ungratefulness

On the 7th January 2001 when Kufuor was to be inaugurated, NDC functionaries who tried with the best of intentions to attend the swearing –in-ceremony including this writer in front of Parliament House were ejected with jeers and describing us as THIEVES, and they occupied the seats of the ejected NDC members. Dear Reader, that action by the NPP foot soldiers were BIG SIGNS of violent and unconstitutional ACTS to befall Rawlings and all His Ministers from that fateful day January 7th 2001 to January 6th 2009. The seemingly cordial relationship between Rawlings and Kufuor quickly degenerated all of a sudden into hostility and since then, Rawlings has had NO PEACE and his hope of being allowed to have his deserved rest was dashed by President Kufour and his vengeful NPP members throughout the 8 years of that tribal government. By 1996 and 1998, the media landscape concluded that the private media in Ghana is DECIDEDLY ANTI-GOVERNMENT and particularly ANTI-RAWLINGS. After this factual report and assessment by the U.S News Survey. All the NPP newspapers and their RADIO stations went berserk and heaped all kinds of accusations on the U.S State Department with screaming Headlines such as: Editors are Mad ……… Uncle Sam. Those journalists and social commentators who kept Ex-Prez. Kufuor in power from 2001 to 2008 by overlooking his unsatisfactory governance, selective justice, extreme corruption-cocaine deals, billions of kick backs at the Castle but rather KEPT attacking President Rawlings were all on the NPP government’s pay roll and they received salaries at the expense of the Ghanaian taxpayer. In Rwanda, it was a journalist who caused the civil war in that country in which over 1 million people were slaughtered. Therefore, when Judas Nana Akuffo Addo, the NPP flag bearer begins his civil war in his capacity as the “Self Imposed King of the Akans” Foot soldiers of the NPP, NDC, CPP, PNC and ALL floating voters MUST CAPTURE all the FM Stations and completely wipe out all the Presenters, hosts and workers at those stations so that when they die and go to Hell and happens to return to Ghana through re-incarnation or whatever, none of them will become very bias by refusing to see Anything beyond their stomachs. The second group to be attached should be the Print Media-I mean those who publish the Newspapers, they must all be rounded up by militants and also WIPED OUT because they are the cause of hate speechs, instability, corruption, character assassinations libel, tribalism soothing falsehood and dishonesty- THEY ARE THE REAL ENEMIES OF THE STATE BECAUSE OF THEIR EXTREME BIAS-PUBLICATIONS FULL OF LIES. The Editor-in-chief of the Crusading Guide-Mr. Kweku Baako Junior, whose father was Mr. Kofi Baako a former cabinet Minister in the CPP government was throwing his weight about all over the place that National Security had provided them with surveillance devices to LISTEN to the private conversations of former President Rawlings and all NDC activists. It was confirmed that all pro-NPP publishing houses could intercept private telephone conversations of President Rawlings and his family. Mr. Frank Fordjour, Acting Editor of the “Vanguard” newspaper which was established by Francis Poku’s National Security Outfit also had such gadgets. Why then did the violent prone tribal government of the NPP FALL during the 2008 general elections. Why did they allow the NDC to chase their DESTRUCTIVE BLUE ELEPHANT INTO THE BUSH WHICH WILL REMAIN THERE FOREVER, despite their intimidations, violence, telephone bugging-their numerous attempts to kill Rawlings and jail his wife etc.

A Very Bitter Cold War Between Rawlings And Ex-Prez. Kufuor

The NPP first outlawed the June4 anniversary through legislation. In 2001, Air Vice Marshal Apan Mantey spread some false rumours which he caused to be published in the “Ghanaian chronicle” that Ex-President Rawlings had gone to the Air Force Station and stopped short of seizing and flying a FIGHTER AIR CRAFT. During an orientation course for NPP Ministers at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, President Kufuor referred to his Predecessor J.J Rawlings and the WHOLE NDC AS “EVIL FORCES” Why then did Kufuor go to the Castle to meet President Mills who is one of the “EVIL FORCES”. In the year 2002, President Kufuor again described Rawlings as “Sasabonsam” an Akan word meaning (DEVIL) at Sekondi in the Western Region during the NPP congress. In 2005, the NPP organized a People’s Assembly and a woman contributor referred to all NDC members as “DOGS” in the presence of President Kufuor who even clapped for the woman. SEARCH WARRANTS In an attempt to terrorize and intimidate NDC functionaries into SILENCE, search warrants were issued to the Police and the BNI to arbitrarily search the homes of ONLY NDC functionaries ostensibly for ARMS and AMMUNITIONS, and over 35 operations that led to the arrest and torturing to death of the late Alhaji Moibila CPP Chairman in 2004 by the NPP government. Foreign companies brought into Ghana by the NDC government were similarly harassed. Most of them had their contracts abrogated or re-negotiate. Some of these companies were Telecom Malaysia and Construction Pioneers among several others which space will not permit me to mention. This is J.A Kufuor, the so-called “Gentle Giant” of the NPP for you-Ghana Youth.


Most market women suspected to be NDC members were threatened with eviction from their stalls until they denounced their association with the party. Successful business people suspected to be NDC financiers were targeted for complete destruction. The idea was to BLOCK all suspected sources of finance for the NDC party and yet IT BEAT THE NPP PARTY IN 2008 AND THEY STILL DAZED have all gone crazy because they never expected A DAY LIKE JAN 7TH 2009 where Professor Mills would be sworn in as President instead of Judas Nana Akuffo Addo- a senior Anarchist and foul mouthed tribal bigot who is so pompous and arrogant that he always SPEAK BEFORE HE THINKS.

Notably among the businesses crippled by the NPP government from 2001-2008 were Eagle Star, a construction company, belonging to Mr. Theophilus Biney, Masai Associate belonging to Edward Annan, PMC, a construction company belonging to Alhaji Abdalla, former Brong-Ahafo Regional Chairman of the NDC and CASH PRO, an export company belonging to Mr. Ato Ahwoi. It was a wicked and envious plot to cripple these companies. Under the pretext of investigation malpractices, decent civil and public servants perceived to be NDC supporters or sympathizers were dismissed from work under a policy termed “Proceed on leave” they proceeded on leave and their positions were filled by NPP supporters-Today, the tables has turned-the NDC is in power and most NPP supporters are still at post, while those who suffered for the NDC recapture power after 8 years in a hellish opposition including THIS WRITER ARE JOBLESS and those NPP supporters are still at post are Teasing some of us. Is this Fair? Did Kufuor even want the NDC to exist? Didn’t he try several times to kill Rawlings but failed? Didn’t his Body guard beat Prez. Mills body guard to pulp at Cape Coast. Ex-President Kufuor ‘s government wrote to ALL International organizations associated with the December 31st Women’s Movement that the organization or MOVEMENT DOES NOT EXIST ANY MORE in Ghana, a very wicked and false letter written to BLOCK FUNDING TO THIS PROGRESSIVE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT. E.g. the NPP blocked all funding to the 31st December Women’s Movement from UN agencies for HIV/AIDS campaign even though the DWM was the BEST MEDIUM for the HIV/AIDS education in Ghana due to its large membership and wide NETWORK. The envious and treacherous behavior of Kufuor were NOT PUT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. Ex- President Rawlings children were so intimidated by their teachers sympathetic to the NPP that it became difficult for them to continue their education in Ghana. In another false publication, the “Daily Guide” published that the daughter of Rawlings was engaged in prostitution in order to pay her school fees because her parents were broke. Ghanaians MUST ASK THE UNGRATEFUL EX-PRESIDENT KUFUOR whether he will be very happy if President Mills’ NDC government decide to treat him like the way he treated Rawlings and His Family with contempt and disrespect form 2001-2008?. In 2004, Mr. Isaac Edumadze the then Central Region Minister who is NOT EVEN QUALIFIED to polish the shoes of Professor Mills described him as a CHAMBER POT.

HAIL THE 64 BATTALION, YOU DARE NOT. Lt. Col. Gbevlo Larty, former Commander of the disbanded 64 Battalion, is a very brilliant lawyer who was one of the most professional soldiers in West Africa and a gentleman was FRAMED UP FOR PLANNING A SO CALLED COUP to overthrow the NPP government. When he was invited to lecture Military Officers in Training in Nigeria. He was again accused with a childish allegation that he threw some stones into the premises of the Electoral Commission in Ghana. Again, an assassination attempt on him led by Kufour’s security operatives ended in the shooting of His Look- A LIKE Junior brother by the assailants which the Security Agencies FALSELY BLAMED ON so- called Armed Robbers. Incidentally, Capt- Ampofo an exiled dissident who bragged that ONLY one bullet could be fired from his gun to finish Rawlings mysteriously happened to chance upon Col. Gbevlo Lartey’s brother at the Shai Hills and took him to the hospital. Therefore if CIVIL WAR should ever take place in Ghana, it will surely originate from the violent prone tribal NPP whose members claim to be Angels of Democracy and Human Rights Activists.

Stolen Cars

In far away New York, Ex – President Kufour DISGRACED Former President Rawlings before 3 African Heads of State by telling them that Rawlings had unjustifiably kept 18 government vehicles as his retirement benefits, Kufuor spent over one hour condemning Rawlings as a car thief, raider of National treasury and an ASSASSIN who was planning to kill HIM (Kufour) which was false. Based on Kufuor’s false allegation, the NPP gov’t dispatched 47 fully armed soldiers to go and retrieve the OFFICIAL CARS LEGALLY ALLOCATED to Rawlings office by the NDC/NPP Transition Team formed to oversee the transition from the NDC to the NPP administration. Most of the vehicles had broken down – no tyres, no batteries etc. but the soldiers Towed them away. Rawlings returned the last car to the NPP government and told them (the NPP) that He did not need their cars. Ex-Prez Kufuor believed falsely that the NDC will never come to power at all. Today he is out of office so we should give him a gun and also give Rawlings a gun and let them face each other so that we see the best Marks man. Rawlings no more owns any gov’t. Cars. This is Kufuor for you.


Frankly speaking, the NPP government of President Kufuor PRACTICED AN ALIEN DEMOCRACY WITH VENGEANCE which was dubbed “Property Owning Democracy” throughout his 8 years in office form Jan 2001-Jan 6th 2009 where he announced HIGH SALARY INCREASES FOR WORKERS BEFORE HANDING OVER POWER TO PROFESSOR MILLS. He had wanted the workers to demonstrate against Mills for High wages but it failed. As a moderate democrat and a man of peace, President Mills ONLY INVITED Ex-President Kufuor rather to TEACH HIM that Democracy Does Not Mean War. Democracy Does Not Mean that Opposition Members’ Businesses should be destroyed and Opposition Contractors DENIED Contracts in order to compel them to join the ruling party.

Democracy does not mean Political intolerance and murder. He again educated Mr.Kufuor that Tribal Politics as practiced OPENLY by the NPP can one day plunge the COUNTRY INTO A VERY BLOODY CIVIL WAR IN FUTURE. President Mills has nothing to LEARN from Kufuor who cannot even teach him. Finally, Democracy does NOT MEAN that the President of a ruling government must use its National Security Operatives to trail a former President or any opposition member in order to KILL THEM like President Kufour did while in office for 8 years in Ghana.

I owe NO APOLOGY to ANY member of the NPP including J.A Kufuor who is very greedy, wicked, ungrateful and vicious like Mr. Sam Jonah the former CEO of AGC. He forgot that it pays to be NICE to people on your way UP for it is the same people you will meet on your way DOWN, Now Kufuor has met the same people including this writer on his shameful way DOWN and he is now CRYING TO BE A MESSENGER in a RULING PARTY than being an Executive member of an opposition party. Was he not the one who started it all? He is very Lucky to have Prof.Mills as the President of Ghana or else he would have been paid in his own coin because Tit For Tat is no sin. As for Sam Jonah, it was the C.D.R’S of AGC who projected him to fame and he became the CEO of the same Company in 1984 but when he REFUSED to become a Vice President to Rawlings in 1992, there was BAD BLOOD between the two men. Rawlings was a POOR HEAD of state and Sam Jonah was a fabulously RICH CEO of a multinational company and therefore he was very influential in business circles than Rawlings. Despite that, Rawlings again approached him to be his Vice President in 1996 once again, he readily agreed but fled to South Africa thinking that the NDC will lose the elections that year, Rawlings then chose the then Vice President Mills and went ahead to win the 1996 general elections. Feeling ashamed, Sam Jonah returned to Ghana and DISMISSED all known CDR Cadres and NDC members in the MINE and refused to promote several miners numbering over 160 to senior staff positions including this writer and they remained in ACTING POSITIONS from 8 to 11 years after passing their examinations instead of the usual 6 months probation period, until their retirements. Most of them were laid off through a redundancy exercise. Why should Jonah punish innocent workers because of his quarrel with Rawlings? ONLY GOD KNOWS. I am writing this article for the general public and the Ghana Youth between the ages of 16 years and 50 years to know the facts since most of them were NOT born or if they were born at all, they did NOT know the DIRTY POLITICS of Ghana especially that of Ex-Prez. Kufuor’s NPP who used his position as the President of Ghana to travel over 300 times outside Ghana at the expense of the Tax payer and also destroyed the jobs of several businessmen and women suspected to be NDC members. From Obuasi, this has been Clement Sangaparee taking Mr. J.A Kufuor to the cleaners and giving him a perpetual heart beat. So Dear reader, this is only a tip of the iceberg, you keep your fingers crossed, I shall return with more atrocities that the NPP meted out to all NDC members from 2001 to 2008.

“Jaanbie Iwaii”










Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement