
Ambulances follow Akufo-Addo, Bawumia for lunch whiles pregnant women ‘manage’ bikes – Manasseh

Ambulance Drone Skdks1 Manasseh disagrees with the fact that government is ignoring other health problems of the country

Mon, 10 Dec 2018 Source:

It is very interesting the pattern of events in this country, Investigative Journalist, Manasseh Azure Awuni has noted.

That drones will be a prioritized option for optimizing health delivery when ambulances are unavailable, that there will readily be available for the President and his Vice, ambulances for lunch purposes when some pregnant persons in labour have to virtually be rushed to the hospital with motorbikes, taxi cabs and other trucks.

He also finds it very intriguing that corruption and fraud are being encouraged, because, under the guise of the single sourced contract government is ensuring with Zipline that amounts to $12 million.

Mr. Manasseh who is known for his fierce criticism of ‘shady’ activities in government, in a piece expressed sentiments over government’s recent decision to invest monies into securing drones to deliver blood to health institutions in the country.

“It is only the presidency that does not have shortage of ambulances; for if the president or his vice are going to eat lunch, ambulances follow them to the restaurant. The rest of us have to struggle in taxicabs, pick-up trucks and other trucks for those in the remote part of the country. Women in labour are carried on bicycles and motorbikes over many kilometres whenever complications arise. Most districts in Ghana do not have even a single ambulance”.

“Districts such as Kete-Krachi, would need at least three ambulances, but it has none. If a patient in Krachi is referred to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, it takes at least 24 hours for the ambulance to return to base. The many communities in the district, from where referrals to the district health facility may be necessary, should have ambulances to service them”, he added.

The subject, since its introduction in the media has generated debate, with many including think-tank IMANI Ghana, suggesting that the program is piloted on a specified budget of $100,000 dollars in some areas of a 6-month period of time.

Manasseh Azure, adding his voice said the procurement of the drones was a ‘want’ and not a ‘need’. He believes though it may have served well for the Rwandans, it may not necessarily be a good move for Ghana considering there are differences in the peculiarity and complexity of our problems.

He believes the monies being invested in this contract could be channelled into improving the basic health needs of most facilities in the country; that including provision of ambulances before the issue of drone deliveries are considered.

He also considers it misplaced priorities that the drone program is placed above other healthcare needs.

Read the full piece below:

The first time I saw a documentary on how drones were used to transport blood in Rwanda, I said to myself: “Wow! These people have really advanced. When will our backward nation ever get to this level?” Fortunately, it was one of the many thoughts that I never found the time to write about.

Today, my government has contracted a company, Zipline, to do the same thing in Ghana. The single sourced contract is worth $12 million. Tongues are wagging and the government is busily defending the deal.

Would I exclaim the same praise I showered on Paul Kagame’s Rwanda? I admit, with shame, that I will not defend this deal. I admit not everything we see and praise elsewhere will be ideal for our situation.

Some analysts have done value for money analyses and it doesn’t appear the figures support the service we will get in return. This contract smells of fraud and corruption. It is one of the deals that will see millions leave the leaking purse without any accountability. But that’s not the focus of this piece.

My focus is on the priority. Are drones on top of our priority list of healthcare problems? The Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health have often told us the main problems confronting the healthcare sector. We don’t have basic and essential drugs in our hospitals. We don’t have ambulances to take care of accident victims and patients who are referred from one health facility to another.

The money involved in the drones’ contract can procure at least 150 ambulances. Almost every district hospital in Ghana has the capacity to accept blood from willing donors when the need arises. In the districts and in the rural parts of the country, communal living is still a cherished value. Whenever it is announced that someone needs blood, you find many people lining up to donate.

That is not to say there won’t ever be the need to urgently get blood somewhere it is needed. That is a reality. But that reality does not come close to the need for ambulances, which the country does not have.

It is only the presidency that does not have shortage of ambulances; for if the president or his vice are going to eat lunch, ambulances follow them to the restaurant. The rest of us have to struggle in taxicabs, pick-up trucks and other trucks for those in the remote part of the country. Women in labour are carried on bicycles and motorbikes over many kilometres whenever complications arise.

Most districts in Ghana do not have even a single ambulance. Districts such as Kete-Krachi, would need at least three ambulances, but it has none. If a patient in Krachi is referred to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, it takes at least 24 hours for the ambulance to return to base. The many communities in the district, from where referrals to the district health facility may be necessary, should have ambulances to service them.

The government needs to accept that it cannot win this debate when there appears to be no research data that places the drones above other healthcare needs. The explanation that the drones will also carry medical supplies does not make sense when basic drugs are almost always not available even in the teaching hospitals. As has been suggested by IMANI Ghana and other civil society groups, there should have been a pilot project to determine the feasibility and practicability of the technology here.

A project such as the drones deal sounds fanciful. It is one that will attract applause at a UN General Assembly or a World Health Organisation meeting on healthcare delivery. But the reality on the ground does not make it a prudent investment. It is a want, not a need. The flooding of social media with stories of drone deployment elsewhere will not wash.

It may be useful somewhere. That does not make it the best option here. Ghana and Rwanda may be similar in many ways but the peculiarity and complexity of our problems might differ.

Yvonne Nelson and Joselyn Dumas are both Ghanaians. They are both females. They are both actors. They are both very beautiful. They both have enviable shapes. But if you order Yvonne Nelson’s dress for Joselyn Dumas, we must question your intelligence and the wisdom in that expenditure must be scrutinised.

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