
Radio Gold chronology of FM authorisation from 1995 to 2019

Radio Gold   Power NCA Radio Gold has been shutdown

Sun, 12 May 2019 Source:

The National Communications Authority(NCA) has released a document revealing the sequence of events leading to the eventual shutdown of pro-NDC media station Radio Gold.

The report which detailed the proceedings from the entry year of Radio Gold up until 2019 brought to the fore the back and forth nature of business between the two parties.

Below is the chronology:

3rd October, 1995

NETWORK BROADCASTING LIMITED, Radio Gold (The Company) was granted Authorisation to operate a commercial FM Station in Accra on the frequency of 90.5MHz.

2nd October, 2000

The Company’s Authorisation EXPIRED but Company did not submit renewal application prior to its expiry

29th September, 2008

The NCA wrote to the company reminding them that their Authorisation had EXPIRED and as such they were operating without a valid Authorisation.

The NCA requested the Company to submit a renewal application within thirty (30) days, attaching the guidelines for renewal of FM Authorisation as well as NCA Application form AP04.

28th October, 2008

Thirty-day period granted to the company to apply for renewal of Authorisation EXPIRED but the company did not submit a renewal application.

25th August, 2009

The NCA wrote a Final Notice to the Company referencing the letter of 29th September, 2008 as well as a telephone conversation with a Director of the company, Mr. Rashid Tanko Amidu and reminded the company that their Authorisation had EXPIRED. The company was requested to apply for a renewal by 25th September, 2009, failing which the Frequency will be withdrawn and the company closed down.

25th September, 2009

The Thirty-day period granted to the company to apply for renewal of Authorisation EXPIRED but the company did not submit a renewal application.

29th September, 2009

The Company submitted an incomplete renewal application. The company did not submit Audited Financial statements for the past 5 years as well as SSNIT and Tax Clearance Certificates.

23rd November, 2009

The NCA wrote to the company informing them of the omitted documents required for renewal of their Authorisation. The company was requested to submit the omitted documents to enable the NCA process their renewal application.

29th June, 2016

The NCA wrote to the company referencing the letter of 25th August, 2009 informing them of their EXPIRED Authorisation and that their operations are illegal. The company was requested to submit a complete renewal application accordingly.

23rd June, 2017

The NCA issued a Notice of Suspension to the company for its failure tosubmit a complete set of documents to renew its Authorisation prior to its expiry. The company was informed that their station will be closed down after 30 days.

24th July, 2017

The company submitted a letter applying for renewal of Authorisation. The letter was however received but all other attachments were not received by the NCA.

26th September, 2017

The company was fined GH?31,590,000.00 as penalty for failure to submit complete renewal application for a total of 3,159 days for the period 29th October, 2008 to 23rd June, 2017.

29th September, 2017

Bram-Larbi, Beecham & Co., Lawyers for the company wrote to The NCA requesting for a revocation of the penalties imposed on the company since they were unlawful.

23rd October, 2017

The NCA wrote to company granting a 50% reprieve on the fine as approved by Minister of Communications. The Company was requested to pay fine of GH?15,795,000.00 within 30 days, failing which station will be closed down.

14th November, 2017

Bram-Larbi, Beecham & Co., Lawyers for the company appealed to The NCA to revoke the penalties imposed on the company and requested for a meeting with The NCA to discuss their concerns.

18th November, 2017

The NCA acknowledged the letter from the company’s lawyers informing them their submissions are being reviewed.

21st December, 2017

The NCA wrote to company granting amnesty on the sanctions imposed on them. The company was requested to pay reduced fine of GH3,650,000.00 for an infraction period of 365 days and daily fine of GH?10,000.00 based on the company’s classification as an Urban Type 1 station.

11th January, 2018

A meeting was held between the NCA and the company represented by Henry Laryea and Alfred Tetteh to discuss the renewal of the companies Authorisation. The company was informed that the documents they presented at the meeting for renewing their Authorisation were incomplete and as such The NCA could not accept them.

12th January, 2018

The Company submitted a complete renewal application and paid the application fees. The application was however not processed due to the case filed by GIBA on behalf of the company at the Electronic Communications Tribunal (ECT).

18th June, 2018

The ECT gave its ruling in the case of GIBA (suing for and on behalf of Radio Gold and 8 others). The ECT quashed the penalties imposed on the company, however the ECT stated that a former holder of a Frequency Authorisation reverts to the same position as a fresh applicant when the Authorisation expires and as such Radio Gold does not have a valid Authorisation to operate an FM Radio station.

8th May, 2019

The NCA issued a letter to the company directing them to cease operations since they did not have a valid Authorisation.

9th May, 2019

The company was closed down for operating without a valid Authorisation.

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