
Economic Fighters League slams police for stopping NDC, others from protesting

Nationwide Protest Ndc.jpeg NDC demonstrators

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 Source:

The Economic Fighters League has taken a swipe at the Greater Accra Regional Police Command for securing a court order to ban the National Democratic Congress (NDC) from further protests.

The youth pressure group that has championed several initiatives to educate the youth on the power they wield including the ‘No Vote’ campaign, believes the action by the police is an infringement on the rights of the party and its members.

A statement issued by the group and signed by Hardi Yakubu, Fighter General, said: “We remain non-partisan and committed to demolishing a system that is clearly designed to serve an elite few. That said, when the inalienable rights of the People are abused, we must and will always speak and act, out of loyalty to Ghana, and not party.

It is important that the latest transgression of the People’s constitutional rights by Ghana Police be understood in the right context.”

The group also recounted how they have been stopped from holding protests to drum home their displeasure at some national issues.

The statement said: “In June the Economic Fighters League was targeted by Ghana Police for organising a legal and peaceful #BlackLivesMatter vigil. Many did not see any problem with the unacceptable abuse of rights the movement was and continues to be subjected to – the violent dispersion of a legal event by the police, the arrest of CiC Ernesto Yeboah for leading said event, the firing of live ammunition at people demanding his release, and now the ongoing 7 month trial in which we are having to defend not just the movement, but the Public and our right to gather.

In all these many members of the public believed the Police to be in the right. The NDC was silent.

Fighters was again targeted when trying to organise a peaceful vigil for Madam Akua Denteh, the elderly woman lynched on witchcraft accusations. The Accra Regional Police Commander threatened the leaders of this movement with violence if the vigil was to take place. “If you are a man, try and see what we will do to you.”

Again, many did not see any issue with this abuse of rights. The NDC was silent.

An anti-Agyapa Royalties Deal march was blocked, while a group of youth were permitted to march against comments made on social media.

Eric Ofotsu was murdered in Ashaiman during the lockdown, yet former deputy minister Carlos Ahenkorah walks free after knowingly and publicly endangering members of the public.

There has been no justice for Ahmed Suale.

The NDC has been silent.

We must be clear in the knowledge that the impunity with which those who currently control this rotten system operate, is an impunity borne out of a rotten constitution, and watered by complacence on the part of opposition and the people as our liberties are stripped away from us.”

Read the full statement below.


The Economic Fighters League has observed with concern continuing attempts by the police to suppress citizens’ inalienable right to assembly and protest. The latest is the court order obtained against the National Democratic Congress regarding their intention to demonstrate in Accra.

We remain non-partisan and committed to demolishing a system that is clearly designed to serve an elite few. That said, when the inalienable rights of the People are abused, we must and will always speak and act, out of loyalty to Ghana, and not party.

It is important that the latest transgression of the People’s constitutional rights by Ghana Police be understood in the right context.

Over the years Ghanaian society appears to have normalized the abuse of public rights and the weaponization of state forces against the people by the political and financial elite. Too many have become desensitized to our oppression, allowing a dangerous impunity to grow within our state forces.

In June the Economic Fighters League was targeted by Ghana Police for organising a legal and peaceful #BlackLivesMatter vigil. Many did not see any problem with the unacceptable abuse of rights the movement was and continues to be subjected to – the violent dispersion of a legal event by the police, the arrest of CiC Ernesto Yeboah for leading said event, the firing of live ammunition at people demanding his release, and now the ongoing 7 month trial in which we are having to defend not just the movement, but the Public and our right to gather.

In all this many members of the public believed the Police to be in the right. The NDC was silent.

Fighters was again targeted when trying to organise a peaceful vigil for Madam Akua Denteh, the elderly woman lynched on witchcraft accusations. The Accra Regional Police Commander threatened the leaders of this movement with violence if the vigil was to take place. “If you are a man, try and see what we will do to you.”

Again, many did not see any issue with this abuse of rights. The NDC was silent.

An anti-Agyapa Royalties Deal march was blocked, while a group of youth were permitted to march against comments made on social media.

Eric Ofotsu was murdered in Ashaiman during the lockdown, yet former deputy minister Carlos Ahenkorah walks free after knowingly and publicly endangering members of the public.

There has been no justice for Ahmed Suale.

The NDC has been silent.

We must be clear in the knowledge that the impunity with which those who currently control this rotten system operate, is an impunity borne out of a rotten constitution, and watered by complacence on the part of opposition and the people as our liberties are stripped away from us.

If those who have the power to speak remain silent, if the people do not recognise that any abuse of any being’s rights is an abuse of the rights, then the oppression will continue to grow.

The Economic Fighters League again calls for the abolition of the 1992 Constitution to allow for the creation of a People-centred, People-driven one. We continue to stand for the People’s rights, including the rights of those who are known custodians of this rotten system, because we can not be free until we are all free.

Revolutionary Regards,

*Hardi Yakubu*

Fighter General

Economic Fighters League

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