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Ghana Must Take Cue

Mon, 27 Aug 2007 Source: Boamah, Ebenezer

I am a full breed Ghanaian and thus an African; and I learn everyday, other than that if somebody told me that the African and for that matter the Ghanaian has no capacity to acquire knowledge and facts, and duly interact with them to gain insight and develop in life, I would have readily believed the person. Why I am so disturbed to make such damning but true observation about my own, I collectively included? It is about something that we all see, hear, do, and commit idolatry with everyday. It is the disturbing fact that time again and again the Ghanaian and the African believes that his destiny, and that his development is in the hands of some stranger. It is the failure of the African to come to terms with what I repeat every time that this world is evil, and for that reason we all are fighting over an oversized cake that we should not, but for selfishness stemming from evil, because that cake is more that enough for everyone. What do I mean? I want to tell you that God is not wicked nor shortsighted or incapable as we humans are, to have created a world and people without enough supply for each, but for our own stupidity, which we deem as wisdom. The West and some few individual has gathered to their chest a share of the universal cake that is too big for them. Thus today the surplus is fast getting rotten under their teeth in the form of obesity, cancers, environmental pollution, depravity of all kinds, mechanical accidents, and what have you, even as the surplus manna got rotten in the tents of those Israelites who gathered more than enough, during the Exodus in the desert. On the other side, Africa and poor Asian countries suffer wars, diseases, destitutions of all kinds because of driest of destitution. However, thank God we all die. As the Africa die of hunger so thus the America or European die of obesity; as the poor Ghanaian die early of having to walk unnecessary distances, so thus the Western millionaire is short-lived in the fire of his crushed private jet. As I may die of my destitution, so will Bush die in his abundance; so who is wiser – who wins? We are stupid because we are wise in our own eyes, as we have abandoned the wisdom of God, love.

Fellow Ghanaians and Africans, I am not on a quest for love from the West, so as to have a fair-play, for that would be in my dreams, because the reality is the world is evil!!! Thus my quest is to help stop the fruitless quest of our people, leaders and governments – the great African continent from looking to the West for love and thus help, like a helpless toddler would!!! The expressions ‘our development partners’ and ‘foreign investment’ are anathemas that must not be heard from our leaders. It must stop. The mindset behind these expressions defeat the independence that our fathers so shed their blood for. This attitude is ridiculously damning – it is a curse!!! You sacrifice people for freedom from under a cruel imperialist, and like a dog to the vomit, beg your oppressors to oppress you again. Yes that is what it translates to when we talk of ‘foreign investment’ and ‘development partners’. For tell us, Ghanaian and African leaders, for all the development partners you have had for decades, what development is there to show? Would you not be wiser if you had rather chorused ‘devastating partners’, because together with them you tear down our land and plunder the spoils, together you wage civil wars to retain the control of your gunsmiths (the West), together you make us their guinea pigs for experimentations, together you brainwash us to believe that they are our Gods and we can’t do without them, and together you sell our souls to the devil, because you tell us they are the good guys (though they are the devils), but African heroes like Nkrumah, Mugabe and Qadaffi, the good shepherds are rather the devils. There is no such thing as foreign investment. It is rather ‘Westerners come and set up your machinery to plunder our land and transport your booty to your countries’.

Take Cue Ghana Let us learn from two important southern African countries. Two countries diametrically at the opposite ends of the spectrum, Mbeki’s South Africa and, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. Except for very few people on the continent, the rest would readily say that South Africa is the success story of the imperialist capitalists, but believe me my dear brothers and sisters, I will not lie to you, and my conscience is clear, that that country is the evidence of the shameless act of foreign capitalists in bed with treacherous political fat cats – I mean the ANC, riding on the back of a helpless majority is true. In all the riches, infrastructure, and the internationally known political and economic nice face of South Africa, she harbors some of the most disempowered, poverty and disease stricken majority on the continent. About 80% of South Africans are housed in some rickety structures, called ‘shakes’ that are only good for chickens. During summer they burn with the sun, and in the winter they either freeze in the cold or burn with fire as they try to keep warm. Some of these shake-settlements are bothering dumpsites of which the people live. The few government housing structures are a replica of the hen pen in some low-grade bricks which last for less than five years, full of cracks and leakages, while the SA soil gives birth to the capitalists’ super structures everyday.

Now on the other side lies a country which almost every one on the continent thinks is a hell on earth, led by some manic octogenarian – thus a shame of African self-determination and nationalism, as portrayed by the Western-oriented media, which show repeatedly the propagandists’ empty shop shelves, and some few police controlled soulless people (because the West bought their souls with some few bread crump). However, the reality is Zimbabweans, by the vision of Mugabe are by many many miles educated than the West baby face South Africa, both in numerical percentage and quality. Now the few true bad things you might have seen on Zimbabwe are everywhere else in Africa, and else where in the world; and though you have more of such in the southern neighbor, SA, which are not in the lens of the brainwashed and Western controlled media because the Mbeki led ANC government are in nice terms with the Western siphoning capitalists. However, here is Mugabe who is not only bent on returning to the indigenes what the imperialists have stolen, but like Nkrumah leading the Black Star crusade, thus has enraged the Western pirates so bad that they would do anything to see his back (praise be to God that the Zimbabweans are making sure that even in the event of the demise of Mugabe, they would readily have a leader to continue what the brave man started). Now ladies and gentlemen, should the ANC government incur the wrath of the West today, because she might have wised up, you would see the rottenness of South Africa that I have described above, as the West beams it on your screen to demonize the government. Every bit of land in South Africa except the roads is fenced by the imperialists. This is what Mugabe does not want to see in Zimbabwe, when he says Blair should have his Eng-land, and him his Zimbabwe. I want to explain to you one bad thing you saw on Zimbabwe on TV, that is the battered Western-sponsored MDC leader Twangarai. He organized some petrol-bombings to bring about anarchy, forgetting the Oldman was a teacher in Ghana. Thus all Mugabe did was to take his abandoned schoolmaster cane, spank the westernized little thwart Twangarai, and viola, he responded so good to discipline that all was quiet again immediately (I’m not cracking jokes).

Now, Ghana how do you show appreciation of the toil of Nkrumah and all the other selfless martyrs; by throwing again to the dogs what was retrieved with precious lives? It was a common campaign message by the NPP that the then NDC had sold the nation to the West and themselves, and that was true, but what are we seeing on your watch, NPP? Worse! What on earth foreign capital or expertise did you need to operate the then Ashanti Gold Mines? And why would you want to sell a producing goose, the ADB, even if it is laying half an egg everyday? If you do not want to do it for your own self and children, what makes you think some hireling would do it for your country, NPP? The argument put up by the government as reiterated in Mr. JH Mensah’s letter is lame. If any business has the honest interest to invest in any sector, all the government does is to make sure there is conducive atmosphere for operations. The private business then establishes and competes; but you don’t take what belongs to the nation and turn it over to some private person. That is why I say that there is no such thing as foreign investment in Ghana - all they do is to take over from us. Operating capitalist economy is not about sales of state assets, it is just about open market, where all are free to do business, including government. NPP I see no use of all your schooling. It is true common sense is not sold in books. Just recently, you were bemoaning the cut-throat monopolistic pricing of Ghacem (thanks to another NDC betrayal), but it seems that you are either dumbest or just as treacherous, not to have taken cue from this saga, of the danger of leaving your economy in the hands of some imperialist capitalists or even just about any private person (And make sure you get to the core, and prosecute the Ghacem treachery, and re-nationalize that important utility). I do not know why African governments should think that you could command real political power if you are not in control of your economy - what power has the poor and the dependant? It really beats my little brain! You become just puppets to the economic giants when the government is cash strapped, when you go begging and borrowing everyday!

I want both the NDC and the NPP government to show Ghanaians just one nation which has been developed by another sovereign state in the entire history of man. There has been none, and there will never be any, but if there ever be that would never be Ghana or Africa. Why would people want to barter for what they can have for free? Ghana and Africa are for free for the spoils. NDC claim to be the so-called Nkrumaists, and yet they sold Ghana without establishing even one national utility – shameful selfish hypocrites! Then come the NPP capitalists – some capitalists indeed! Which capitalist goes to a business conference in tattered clothing with a Bedford bone-shaker, and expect to be taken serious? NPP that is some capitalists that you are! Doing real business is starting your own enterprises, where you could then attract serious honest partners; however, you are worse than the Ghanaian farmer who still uses ineffective implements, for at least he tills the land and sells the produce, but you so stupidly sell the land, NPP! Business is not about selling without producing. And do not tell me we can survive on the meager taxation. You hold degrees for nothing! Stop now, all the surface mining that give us nothing but leave us destitute with degraded land, poisoned water bodies and environment. Development also means maintaining what is good; and you do not do business just for being busy, but for real profit. With all the money that you make from surface mining, can you buy rich land and clean environment from any market for replacement? No government has the right to forcefully sell to strangers what God has given to the people. Why must we still be oppressed, maimed and killed in our own land? Such is happening because the leaders we have trusted our destiny to over the years have continually sold us out. Already your negotiated % on the oil business is ridiculous; it is better we let the oil got rotten underneath than to pollute our environment for the benefit of some foreign thieves. Nigerians are no better off than Ghanaians. In all, we are not even up to 20%; how come? And don’t talk about any scanty taxation. Please don’t pollute our environment for nothing. If it is not going to be a blessing, we can avoid it becoming a curse! It is not too late.

Stop all the sell out now before we would have to go through the sabotage Zimbabwe is suffering today, just because they want to reclaim what belonged to them. The national orientation you have started will amount to nothing if you in government do not start showing yourselves to be worthy of doing something meaningful on your own, instead of the over-reliance on the West and foreigners at large for your so-called development. Ghanaian electorate, Rome was not built in a day; and so it is a farce for us to believe that if we turn over our motherland to Obroni he will turn it into New York or London overnight. No hireling is better than oneself (John 10:11-13), so let us grow up and do it for ourselves after 50, for even the tortoise reaches its destination because it takes some steps, at least. And when we take our due of the cake, not only would we save ourselves from all kinds of adverse leanness, but we also would save our Western siblings from all kinds of dangerous obesity.

Ebenezer Boamah
Email: ebenbo@yahoo.com
(The author is a man of God whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, because the spirit is not void of the flesh).

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer