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The dis-honorable behavior of honorable Ken Agyapong

Wed, 10 Feb 2016 Source: NDC-USA CHAPTER

"An unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates

It has become the true realization of most of us living in the diaspora that a time-bomb is ticking in our country Ghana. This particular mishap is in the person of Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, a member of Parliament for Assin Central. Incidentally his colleague member of Parliament, Dr Martin Opoku-Prempeh, in a warped way warned Ghanaians of a ticking time-bomb that may blow up anytime. He however, failed to identify the whereabouts of this menace. Ghanaians do not need to look far, but can point out to Dr Opoku-Prempeh that this "explosive" is none other than his deranged Party member, and self acclaimed financier of the NPP , Kennedy Agyapong.

The recent diatribe by this man against a radio presenter, Ms Afia Schwarzenegger, is an example of the attitude and behavior of a man who calls himself a legislator and answers to the title "honorable". It is indeed true that insults and profanities are the true examples of an empty mind. No doubt, he has nothing to offer his constituents from the job for which he has been returned to Parliament for at least four terms. Ken never finds the voice when it comes to deliberating on important national issues in the august house, but would quickly find the voice for insults at his radio station that appears to have been built to perpetrate this repugnant cause of his. Sadly and shamefully, he is one of the NPP's ranking members on Communication.

Here are a few examples of abrasive and reckless comments that Ken has meted out to noble Ghanaians. He insulted the Asantehene Nana Osei-Tutu II; he threatened to wipe out from this planet former President Jerry Rawlings and his family; he threatened Mr Kwesi Pratt that if he ( Pratt) dare go near the African Regent hotel (Hotel d' Wawa); he called for the execution of Ewes and Gas in Ashanti Region; he single handedly declared war on Ghana; above all accused President Kuffuor and Mr Kwadwo Mpiani of murder! These are some of the effusions that Ken has spewed on the peace loving people of Ghana! His rage has no boundaries as he insults both members of his party, chiefs and citizens alike!

Lately, there are audio recordings going viral on media sites about Ken insulting the President of our country and his siblings to the extent of extending same insults to their late mother/step-mother even in her grave. A woman who was part of the effort that built the NPP where Ken belongs and finds comfort.

The uncultured and uncouth behavior of Ken is becoming loudly embarrassing to us as citizens of Ghana. Ken is a good example of people who simply passed through both formal and informal education (home upbringing) without benefiting from it! Instead of allowing education to pass through them and mold their behavior and character, he allowed this precious gifts to "pass through one ear and out of the other" What a pity! By his age, one wonders if Ken took civic lessons in school when "Courtesy for Boys and Girls" was the prescribed common textbook for students in his school days. He has turned out a pure and perfect description of a truant, a deviant, maladjusted, and a social and cultural misfit in society. He is a serious embarrassment to the renowned Adisadel College and its alumni, and a severe pain on family and national pride and honor. Regrettably, Ken is a parliamentarian whose members go by the name HONORABLE! What is HONORABLE about Kens insulting and threatening character and behavior?

He is an example of adults in society whose only life view is adoration of monetary wealth over the cherished priceless wealth grounded in moral and ethical values, and leading exemplary life worthy of emulation by the younger generation. He has become a "fecal blot" on our wholesome Ghanaian moral and ethical values that are held high in the global and international community. He carries himself around as the richest person that ever dropped on Ghanaian soil, as if money is all there is to life.

Ghana abounds in beautiful institutions of state, elders of society, chieftaincy, religious groups, civil organizations, political associations, many of which endorse high moral and ethical character and frown heavily on characters that Ken more often than not displays with impunity. One wonders what say these many agents of change and institutions on matters like this. Much more disturbing is what the other 274 men and women of parliament are saying or not saying about Ken's behavior! What is the ethics and privileges committee of the august house doing about this untreatable ulcer of theirs? Is it the case that they are afraid of the loose-cannon who would not hesitate to attack them for benefiting from his monetary gifts as he does allege; yet are quick to haul others from society to their chambers at the least opportunity? Poor and helpless Nana Akufo-Addo and his NPP leadership cannot find the courage to call him to order. Clearly, they are afraid of what Ken would spew about them if they dare. After all he has addressed them as fools and gotten away with it, while respected members of their Party are elbowed out with no justifiable cause. What is rolling out waywardly in the vile tongue of Ken should be a matter of concern for all in society. Kennedy "Ohene" Agyapong is living in conflict to his middle name, living "dis-honorably" against his title, and disgracing his children, family, society, colleagues, political family, and the nation at large. Let us hear from Parliament, while we await some form of sanction on his radio station by the Media Commission. We however, have no doubt that Nana Akufo-Addo and his NPP will keep speechless on this one too, as is usual and behave like ostriches when astute leadership is needed! We dare them to prove us wrong!