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A Message to the Asantehene

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 Source: Mensah, Nana Akyea

by Nana Akyea Mensah.

A Rejoinder to: Chief Lizard on the Stumps, by Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D. Feature Article of Sunday, 9 November 2008.

Nana Asantehene,
His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II,
Manhyia Palace
Kumasi, Republic of Ghana.

Your Majesty, Nana Otumfuo Osei Tutu II,

With all respect, please kindly permit us to use this occasion to wish you well. We humbly suppose that in an electoral season, where all the political parties are moving in and out of Kumasi and each paying homage to his majesty, who like a good father, has been receiving all and sundry, this must be obviously a heavy schedule season for the Manhyia Palace. We therefore wish that Nana gets enough time to rest and to be of good health and of the wisdom of which we are his majesty's new convert.

As a king of all Ashantis, regardless of their political hues, shades, and colour, they in turn regard you as their father, and rightly so, because you seem to exhibit the qualities of a good father. May the real Otumfuo, God almighty, the He that is, keep you safe from all the dangers of life, and bless you, and your household, amen!

Foremost on my mind is the fear that innocent people may be losing their lives in the aftermath of the impending elections. These fears have been heightened by the mounting tensions and unprofessional political swipes coming from both sides of the political divide, which do nothing to calm down an already precarious situation. Which is why we humbly submit that it is about time that some one who commands the respect that you do and the wisdom and focus that you have shown, would do your best to help in the civilisation of politics in Ghana.

Your majesty, it is our humble wish to propose for your consideration as a part of this initiative, the drafting of a national charter for the respect of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, which, we believe, could be fine-tuned to cover all citizens of Ghana, irrespective of party political affiliations, in order to bring to a halt an installation of a system of politically-motivated judicial vendetta remotely controlled by the Executive, regardless of which party is in power, before this becomes the order of the day, as it appears to be the case under the current government led by the NPP, a political party which, if we can go by their own claims as champoins of liberal democracy, are supposed to even know better.

Your Majesty, I am sure you would agree with me that such politically irresponsible acts, will do nothing to improve our system of justice, nor promote peace and progress of our country. This is why I profoundly agree with you. I believe that the more people from both sides of the political divide clamour for peace and support your initiative, the more both parties, the former President, Mr.Rawlings and President Kufuor, would narrow down their perspectives to a national consensus of geniune reconciliation, and a peace that will endure.

We are absolutely certain that all Ghanaians, including people like our own grandson, a certain charlatan who currently calls himself Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr. Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, Journalism and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York, Garden City, whose latest civil-war propaganda tract against this noble initiative that has provoked this message, would also benefit from it, if you do indeed succeed.

Fortunately most Ghanaians already know people like that, who so far as they succeed in sabotaging such an initiative, any argument would do. These are the people that every peace-loving Ghanaian must watch first, if the noble initiative of Nana Otumfuo must be actively defended and supported by all peace-loving citizens of Ghana. We are all Ghanaians, not oil and water. The only common denominator here is peace and social progress. Very few Ghanaians are yearning for war. An overwhelming majority are for peace!

Your Majesty, we have not been a great fan of the Ex-President Rawlings, but we do agree with you that he, at least, conceded to the demands of the people without turning it into a civil war that we see surrounding and engulfing us, all over here in Africa. To sustain our little oasis of peace in Africa, we need to constantly pay attention to it, and take tender care of it. We need to attend to it with great circumspection and wisdom, qualities which Nana has so graciously made clear are not missing in his Majesty's very important and crucial national mission.

Nana, whilst wishing you all the best in your endeavours, please permit us, for the want of a better word on it, to ask you to ignore our grandson, Kwame Okoampa -Ahoofe, Jr., who considers your noble initiative as one of "those misguided Ghanaians who still believe that he [the Ex-President, Mr. Rawlings] bequeathed our country with an enviable democratic culture".

It is much too easy to dismiss this as simply an act of childish stupidity. We believe that is is about time that you came out very clearly and eloquently to the extreme right-wing fringes of the NPP such as my grandson about the indispensable national imperative to at least fail, trying to counter increasing messages such as "JUSTICE FOR AKANS not UNITY" and anotherone by a famous Julor Jato (JJ) Rawlings on Ghanaweb, who posts messages such as:

"Otumfuo, please you can't mix crude oil with water, so please don't try this game at all.

It is never possible to turn a kuborlor into a gentleman and no gentleman will like to associate himself with a gangster.

Otumfuo,as overlord of the Ashantes, we know you command a lot of respect and we will not want this kuborlor to take undue advantage of your peaceful intent to show off his stupidity.

We all know that this Kuborlor has no respect for any Ghanaian because of his Ofiri Jato colour, so please leave alone and let him gloat in his idiotic lunacy.

This kuborlor of a Julor Jato Rawlings, is the first head of state of Maaaaame Ghana to be told by another former head of state(the great Yakubu Gowon of Nigeria)to learn to behave himself.

Please Nana Ashantehene, please stay away from this kuborlor.

He insults everyone including Archbishops,intellectuals,Nananom,Military Officers, and the whole of cape coasters.

Let him live with his stupidity !"

Author: Julor Jato (JJ) Rawlings Date: 2008-11-07 11:14:10 Comment on IWill Unite JJ And JAK - Asantehene, Ghanaweb.com, General News of Friday, 7 November 2008.

We strongly believe that the Ex-President Rawlings has apoint: "The upcoming elections... not about whether one is an Ashanti, Akyem, Ewe, Fante or a Dagomba, but an opportunity for the electorate to show the NPP the inglorious exit into opposition, after mismanaging the affairs of the country in their almost eight years of governance."

The attempts by our grandson to malign you and Mr. Rawlings on this very important matter, is most unfortunate. We pray that your words act as a dart of light to pierce into his darkness, which like Dryden's Shadwell, admits no ray, and has never been known on any occassion, to have ever deviated into sense! Hence our entreaty to your Majesty to kindly ignore him. We wish to urge you on, and we believe that even if you failed, you would have done your best for the best interest of every Ghanaian.

It gives us so much pleasure that we can say thank you so sincerely. We do humbly avail our self of this opportunity to extend to you, and to your faithful and diligent subjects at the Manhyia Palace, and to the great Ashanti Kingdom, our heartfelt felicitations from our base here at Apedwa cemetary, and to express to you, your Majesty, the assurances of our highest esteem,

Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro of Apedwa.

Columnist: Mensah, Nana Akyea