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No Rod Will Be Spared!!!

Tue, 10 Feb 2009 Source: Biakoye, Nana

Nana Biakoye

I am strongly in the corner of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and I am not ashamed one bit about my strong affiliation to a political party that espouses social democratic tenets and makes the welfare of the generality of the people a core pivot around which its governance agenda revolves.

I was solidly behind then candidate Professor John Evans Atta Mills; and I am proud to still be solidly behind President John Evans Atta Mills because I know him at close range and know that all he wants to do, is, build a Better Ghana.

His Excellency President John Atta Mills has certainly hit the ground running and I am elated at the rock-hard and focused early steps that are being taken.

He may not be running at 100% speed but I am happy at the focused steps that President Atta Mills is taking.

Hitting the ground running, does not mean moving in unfocused directions in order to play to the gallery and score cheap propagandist points.

Hitting the ground running means taking firm and concrete decisions from the word go so as not to build a weak foundation, and that is exactly what President Atta Mills is doing to the admiration of fair-minded Ghanaians.

Indeed, I am very happy with the temporary appointments as well as nominations for ministerial positions.

The NPP propaganda machinery is trying to create something out of nothing with its empty noises as regards some of the nominations; but who can blame the NPP?

The NPP is good at making noise and so some of us are enjoying all the noise that is coming from the deepest part of the forest where the badly bruised elephants and almost- dead kangaroos are currently domiciled.

For a fact, we cannot question the capabilities and professional competence of the names that have come up for vetting.

In their own right, they deserve to get to where they have gotten to, and I congratulate them for catching the attention of the President.

If out of 24 million + Ghanaians, they have caught the attention of the President, then they should pat themselves on the back for being integral parts of the CHANGE cum BETTER GHANA agenda.

We wish President John Atta Mills and his Government well.

But as a person that has built my personality on conviction, and as a person who shall continue to anchor my goals and objectives to conviction and working in the greater interest of Mother Ghana, I am making it very clear to the people who will be serving in the Mills Government that “I WILL SPARE NO ROD!!!”.

Yes, I will spare no rod at all!!!

The bible admonishes us not to spare the rod lest we spoil the child and that is exactly what Nana Biakoye will do.

Indeed, I owe it a duty to myself and Mother Ghana to even be more critical of the Mills Government than I was of the failed Kufuor Government.

Yes, it is always good to take the log out of your eyes before taking the speck out of a neighbour’s eyes.

God forbid that after taking the Kufuor Government to the cleaners (and for very good reasons), and contributing to the defeat of the NPP, Nana Biakoye becomes gaping sycophant who will make my stomach determine the direction in which my brain cells should function.

I am a living witness to the way Kwaku Baako’s dead coffee shop mafia mortgaged its conscience to the NPP and how at the end of the day, the coffee shop mafia contributed immensely to the defeat of the NPP, and there is no way I will allow myself to be reduced to the very low level of the coffee shop mafia and its acolytes.

O yes, the coffee shop mafia contributed to the defeat of the NPP because right-thinking Ghanaians got sick and tired of the stomach-direction journalists who, because of making their stomachs and pockets happy, supported “50 Cents” Kufor to mismanage the affairs of state, plunder the nation’s wealth, and rule as if Ghana was his fiefdom.

Nana Biakoye is going to clean my lenses and focus them closely on the people who President Mills has chosen as arrow heads (Ministers, MCE’s DCE’s etc) to help him build a Better Ghana.

I am certainly not going to be criticizing just for the sake of it; far from that. I will criticize out of a strong conviction to get things done right and when I do so, I will have no qualms at all about it.

Indeed, from what I know of President Atta Mills, I have no doubt that he will have a greater deal of respect for the opinion and views of Nana Biakoye if I keep my lenses close to his operatives, and let Ghanaians know the true state of affairs.

The NPP failed because it refused to do a critical appraisal of itself and continued to swim in its sea of empty and self-adulating propaganda.

I don’t want President Mills’ Government to sink to the low levels that “50 Cents Kufuor’s Government sunk and that is why it will be my utmost duty and responsibility to ensure that all undesirable acts are nipped in the bud and/or exposed.

I owe it to my conscience and my God not to support what is not good and nothing, absolutely nothing, will move me away from the path which I know will give Ghana the CHANGE and BETTER GHANA that She deserves so that the National Democratic Congress, will continue to manage the affairs of state for decades to come.

The NDC must manage the affairs of state for decades and the only way that can be achieved, is when Ghanaians never again walk on the wicked, insensitive, immoral, thieving, self-seeking, kickback-taking and drug infested path that “50 Cents” Kufor and his gang forced the nation to traverse.

As the vetting begins and the swearing-in draws nigh, I wish His Excellency Professor John Atta Mills and his Team well. And I pray to God that I don’t use the rod very often but when the need arises and I crack the whip, it would be because I don’t want to “Spare the rod lest I spoil the child”.

May God continue to bless our homeland Ghana and make Her greater and stronger.

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana