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The man Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

54328311 Vice president of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Fri, 3 Feb 2023 Source: Frank Kuanyawo

Oswald Sanders wrote, “Any ambition which centers around and terminates upon

oneself is unworthy, while an ambition which has the glory of God as its center is not only legitimate but positively praiseworthy.” Dr. Bawumia has never said anywhere in the world that he wants to be president of the republic of Ghana. The people are rather calling for it because of the fruits he bears. It is true that the voice of the people is the voice of God.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned: “Should the leader allow self to succumb to the wishes of those he leads, who will also seek to turn him into an idol, then the leader will gradually become the ‘mis-leader’ …This is the leader who makes an idol of himself and his office, thus mocking God.”

Anyone who works his way through the back door into the presidency through lies,

propaganda and character assassination is not only a thief but also a nation wrecker who has no love for Ghana.

Many say, Dr. Bawumia is a moslem, but is that what God says? God loves everyone

and hates sin. He says in His word that He will use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He is a God of justice. Does it rain only for Christians? No! When the disciples asked him who a neighbor is, what was his response? When they brought a woman who was caught in the act of committing adultery, he said whoever has no sin should be the first to stone her. Did God not say that people will do so many things in his name, but He will say He does not know them? Is it not the same God who used Rahad, the prostitute to save the two spies? Which government in the fourth republic does not appeal to the moslem community for votes? Or which government does not donate and attend the moslem’s festivals? Let us stop the hypocrisy. Do you know who manufactures the car you are driving? Haven't we had Muslims in our parliaments and governments since independence making decisions for us? What can God not do? He will use anyone He chooses at any time and any day. God depends on our obedience and willingness and above all, on our heart conditions. Judge not. God is the only judge.

Let our light shine before men so they will see the good things we do and praise God.

Others also say he just joined the party, and it is their turn. They should also be reminded that the presidency is not royalty. They are all qualified, but Ghana needs the best. How many years did Former president Obama spend in their party before becoming a president? The NPP party took time to nurture and market Dr. Bawumia to the standard and he is up to the task. Dr. Bawumia is the choice and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Without Dr. Bawumia in the Jubilee house as president on 7th January 2025, Ghana is going back twenty years. He has raised the bar of doing politics in Ghana from gossip/insult/propaganda level to issue/fact/achievement level.

Dr. Bawumia is not only academically excellent, but he is also a man with common sense. He has home training and interpersonal skills. He displays creative leadership which is distinguished by VISION, INTEGRITY, and SERVANT SPIRIT. Above all, he proves at all times that he is a balanced scholar. His values are not only through performance, but through his character. Bawumia knows when to speak to the nation and when to withdraw quietly, especially when the cedi is not doing well against the dollar. He has the perseverance and the stamina needed to fight old habits in Africa politics.

Dr. Bawumia will be one person who will put his life in jeopardy, to achieve power, not to enrich himself but to work for the prosperity of the people of Ghana because honesty is his habit. He will do everything to preserve an honest government. He is the leader who will avoid the use of money to win elections.

With Bawumia as president, we will set out to have a clean administration

because we are sick and tired of the greed, corruption, and decadence of our leaders. He is a resourceful personality who innovates when faced with new, unexpected challenges because of his local and international exposure.

Dr. Bawumia is not only an asset to Ghana but a gift as well. He has the potential for enormous success and he is paying the price for it when his opponents refer to him as a liar. His opponents don’t like him and they are not happy for him. They are not accustomed to his success so they become fearful and scared of him because he is always reflecting something they do not recognize.

Dr. Bawumia is not the one who is desperate for power and will not make Ghana ungovernable when he is defeated. He is an accomplished individual who will always make millions of dollars honestly in his private practice so politics is not a do or die for him. He has proven with all reasonable doubt that you can contribute effectively and positively when you have achieved great feats in your private life before going into politics. He is Jack of all trades and master of

all. He is the brain behind his boss, H.E. Akuffo Addo and the NPP to fight corruption in Ghana through digitalization.

Dr. Bawumia, always bear in mind that one thing is certain in life: great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. And no matter how far a lie runs, it will surely be overtaken by the truth someday. Deep down the hearts of men, they know you are a good person, but envy and jealousy will not allow them to speak well of you.

He who God blesses, no one can curse, and no one can turn the hands of God.

Columnist: Frank Kuanyawo