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Screw you IMF, Forbes and, NDC

Sun, 13 Jun 2010 Source: Transient Justice

Recently Forbes and the IMF came out with data which suggests that Ghana is one of the worst managed economies in the world. They, in their typical arrogant fashion spat out dubious statistics put together by maladjusted people who have not taken any serious survey on the ground and, put this news item out there to make us the source of mockery. Now, this sucks but, the NDC deserves it.

Since Independence (whatever that means!!!), and, especially since the 1980’s Ghana has been relying on institutions like the IMF and World Bank. Rather than having the balls to create a real economy, our so called educated illiterates have told us that “we can’t do it” and, have gone to experts of other countries who in patriotism for their own country have given us bad advice which hurts us and, promotes their country. After many years of hard work by the NPP to rid ourselves of these dirty institutions it was mind-boggling to find out that Atta Mills had sold us right back into slavery to these institutions. Thus, are we surprised that they are insulting us now?

The answer is NO, we are not surprised. When you present yourself as a fool you will be treated as such. The NDC starting from the 1980’s till now have been representing Ghanaians as fools. The party has had no vision for the country and, only has characters like the Rawling’s couple and, other clowns who know nothing about governance but rather, all they do is talk talk talk…. On top of that Atta Mills, the most erudite NDC member to ever exist when given the chance to prove his erudition chose instead to depict himself as a daft African leader in hopes of getting aid money in the form of bad loans.

Thus, there is no surprise that we were insulted by these institutions. Let me tell you why they hate you Dr. Atta MESS! First of all, they hate you because; you took their loans and, sold yourself and Ghanaians into slavery. Then, you had the balls to say you were a man by, denying corrupt company Exxon the chance to buy our oil (your oil?) from corrupt Kosmos. In doing so, you said you were a man’s man and, showed that you had some intelligence. These companies have been pondering about ways to humiliate you since then. Thus, this is the payback.

My point is, if you are going to govern intelligently then, do it fully and, if you are going to present yourself as a fool then, do it fully… Why are you walking on ropes trying this crazy balancing act? I do not support your corrupt policies or corrupt ministers but, on the Kosmos issue, I have your back 100 percent. Thus, keep up the good work on that front.

The main problem is that your NDC is too slow to act bravely. Ghana should have never gone back to the IMF for loans. It was that lazy mentality of your administration which took us back thus, take the insults because, they will keep coming.

Penname: Transient Justice

Columnist: Transient Justice