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Give Ghana Help Foundation Is Appealing For Funds

Wed, 29 Aug 2012 Source: Dogbe, Solomon Adinortey



Dear Fellow Brothers, Sisters and citizens of Ghana ,

My name is Solomon Adinortey Dogbe, a Ghanaian and a medical doctor living

in Poland.

Over the past 18 years of my stay in this country, and more precisely in

the past thirteen years, an individual started a Foundation from a very

small beginning , with almost nothing in the accounts of that Foundation.

The purpose of the foundation was to equip hospitals. As he started with

barrels of interviews and series of radio conferences, it won national

interest. Today , they annually raise over 21 (twenty one million dollars

for equpping clinics and hospitals.) This has led Poland to the fastest

advancing in diagnosis and one of the best well-equipped clinics in

Europe.Comparisms were made with USA clinics ,one of which is particularly

in hearing- impairedness .The heads of departments of Florida Medical

School were invited for press conference in Poland to see the differences

in the level of diagnosis. It came clear that Poland stands 98% points in

diagnosis whereas that of the USA 95% .It has attracted such a high level

of public attention that Poland for that

matter has set aside second week of the begining of each year for

nationwide fund raising day.Some give one dollar, others give as much as

they could. Some sports men and women give out their medals for auction

sales to generate funds for hospital equipments and this is done openly on

air during the fund-raising festivities. TV stations , private and

national, take full part in it, conscientising the people of the need and

that , the day of soliciting funds has come .Companies give . Some give

written pledges which they later fulfil.For thirteen years , this has been

working .

I see this as something good to follow suit and try it in our nation

Ghana.This is why I have initiated the Foundation " Give Ghana Help"


Objectives and Principles of the Foundation

§ 6

The Foundation was established to:

1. conduct comprehensive health activities to save lives, including the

promotion and pursuit of initiatives as health, educational and charitable

in Ghana;

2. equipping public hospitals nationwide to give health and material

assistance to people who are in particularly difficult situations and

whose health are endangered.

3. facilitating access to medical care.

4.Prevent diseases

5.Enhance public education on health issues

We need many people as possible to cooperate and assist put it on the

media ( on air). I am only giving the idea.The aim is to help Ghana and

her people. That one day, we may be at least somewhere high among the

african countries, if not one of the world leading medical facilities.

Let us try it together and see.There is no harm in giving it a test.

I am appealing to all and sundry who in any way can assist, especially

those who in any way have access to the media.

One thing it needs be clear. If we as Ghanaians do not start initiating

these moves to assist the system, things may not go any good way that fast


long.For the good of the nation and her people, let us try it.Assisting

the system for the good of the nation , for the good of ghanaians , for

the good of even the economy.When these

things work, neighbouring countries may be coming to Ghana for

treatment. There may be the tendency that people in the west may come

down for medical treatment because it is cheaper than in other

countries.This will go its wayy to promote

ghana and tourism.One positive system will surely directly or indirectly

affect the next system.When the health system goes better or stands better


it will go to affect other sectors.

Money collected are not for me.It is for the purpose of equipping clinics

and hospitals. Starting step by step.Clinic by clinic.

Money gathered in Foundation will go a long way to make huge impact on

society.It must be open for the public to see what the money is being used


Foundation needs a clear moral stand that encourages others to donate.

I hope I have made things clear enough.

I want us to do something to help the nation.For this to succeed, it needs

the support of many.

Citing as an example :

The Scandinavian countries which most people think is a haven for wealth,

from 2003, every year, the Wroclaw Medical School in Poland enrols 60

students from the four Scandinavian countries for English programme in

medicine. Each student paying 8000(eight thousand Euro ) each year for

tuition) , Not mentioning the rent they pay for the school as well as

expenditure on other aspects of living costs they leave in the economy of

the country.

The tuition fee , for these 60 annually- enrolled Scadinavian medical

students brings 448(four hundred and forty eight) thousand Euros for a

single year to the coffers of the school and its clinics .

Warsaw City runs English programmes in medicine from as far back early

1980s and students come to study medicine from the USA because they pay

10,000 -14,000 US dollars and as compared to 24,000 to 42,000 USD as the

tuition for medicine costs in the USA and they go back .

There are other strong four cities or more which embark on this medical

training for foreigners.

If Ghana embarks on simple step by step equipping of its clinics, by five

years or seven, things may change for Ghana, in a way that other african

countries will be bringing their students to educate in Ghana medical

Schools. When the equpiments are there, it will attract the masses.

Americans leave the USA to come for medical treatments in Dubai( Saudi


It takes little drops of water to form an ocean.

I will have to end here.

If you can in any way assist to collectively make our nation a better

place in terms of hospital facilities and other sectors, I would be ready

for suggestions and cooperation.At this stage , the website is ready and

the registration of the foundation has been done.We are directly appealing

to you all tom dick and harry to start donating.To give your portion of

donation, please visit the Foundation website http://giveghanahelp.org

and support by donating through the online paypal system on the

Foundations website.. We also need people that can help put the advert on

the media.

Donors names and amounts will be published on the Foundation's website

http://giveghanahelp.org . You can donate any amount you are capable of.

Thank you for your contributions.

Doc Solomon Adinortey Dogbe

tel 0048607986645

Columnist: Dogbe, Solomon Adinortey