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Game of politics inside Supreme Court .

Mon, 27 May 2013 Source: Kyei, Ivan

The election petition hearing ongoing in the Supreme Court has indeed

brought on it tails a lot of intriguing issues worthy of discussion.

Thanks to the live telecast,though a lot of concerns have been raised about

its negative impact on productivity and the cost involved which has a

tendency of causing irreparable damage to our already liquidated economy, l

still maintain the positive aspect enlightening the citizenry on the

petition seeking to vitiate four million-plus votes of eligible Ghanaians.

Having been following the case till now,a lot of conclusions and

in-conclusions have been attempted in both pundits and legal as well as

layman's perspective to cap the reactions from the Supreme Court


Though it is too early to argue the likely position to place the coin of

victory, it doesn't disputes my position stated earlier that this petition

is frivolous,vexatious and bears an indented mark of a bad loser.

As l move to affirm the position of the president (first respondent in the

petition ) who had earlier stated categorically in a meeting with

Asantehene that this petition would strengthen our democracy, and for the

records,it is also good for a country bestowed as a beacon of democracy in

Africa and again for the common good of our electoral system which may

include the subsequent electoral reforms aftermath.

In the face of this,irrespective of how insubstantial,frivolous and leaking

the petition is perceived to be, subjecting it to the full scrutiny of the

law is more appreciative than any other luxury of alternatives we would

have preferred.

It is clear that the entire petition is built on lies and deceit as the so

called tight-evidence that flirts with shock fluctuates on daily basis

which feed into the perception of bad faith mantra cited by the respondents

with regards to the mere assumptions and political rhetorics being chanted

by the petitioners devoid of hard,credible and material evidence .

Without commenting on the merit of the case as it is reserved them for the

revered jury to probe, l sincerely believe they would do honest job for the

prevalence of justice.

But the inconsistencies in the various claims by the petitioners really

bothers on the bad faith as asserted by the first and the third respondents.

We must not forget that,the various acts of vandalism sanctioned by the

leadership of the NPP after the declaration which labelled them as losers,

beseeching places like Obra spot for days attacking and unleashing terror

on innocent Ghanaians which confirmed the "i shall be president at all

cost" mantra pinned to Akuffo Addo.

Now that it is unfolded that those claims peddled by the leadership which

eventually motivated the inaction of those ignorant supporters were nothing

but pack of malicious lies and deadly political drivel, it really sparks

interest as to what the idea behind this cooked claims were about.

The dream of the petitioners to use the Supreme Court as an auction

platform to buy electoral victory despite their abysmal and poor poll

performance in election 2012 does not startle some of us at all because

the various war provocative rhetorics by the leadership even before the

elections answer it all and thanks again to the live televise that we are

able to learn on daily basis that the concocted and doctoring of irrelevant

fragments joined together as evidence planted of political schemes and

machinations keep crumbling.

The political perception of some folks in the NPP to compensate Nana Addo

with the flag bearer slot of the party because of his long service to the

party accounts for the spit of frustrations the entire party is suffering

but nobody dares to thread that line of argument for the fear of internal

chastisement and blackout, but maybe that is the fact and Ghanaians do not

need Akuffo Addo and that any other person may succeed in reviving the lost

fortunes the party over the years.

The innate attitude of pouring venom on those who virtually disagree with

them on issues as has been transformed into the ongoing election petition.

Bigwigs like Tarzan,Kwame Mpianim and several others having made public

declarations,stating their displeasure on the ongoing litigation, we are

all privy to how they were chastised and ousted by the "trained bull-dogs"

forming the core youth of the party.The NPP has succeeded over the years in

building an adventurous niche for itself "if you are not for us then you

are not sensible" no wonder the late President Dr.Nkrumah described the

Danquah-Busiah tradition as "people with lower intellectual horizon who by

themselves parades as the most sensible people"

Swerving from this internal politics of deception to the interesting

developments and drama invoking scenes at the Supreme Court is noteworthy.

A decorative stratagem put forward at the Supreme Court by the petitioners

seeking to vitiate four million-plus votes of eligible voters is indeed

funny on the line of common sense per the supposed tight-lip evidence

tabled before the supreme court but l leave that to the jury to decide.

Several attempt have been made by Bawumia to defend the indefensible,and in

his desperate quest to become the vice president,he has resorted to

rewriting our electoral laws even before the Supreme Court as was seen in

his definition of over-voting. This is a man powered by desperation and

political hunger and could go every length to conjure shreds of nothing as

evidence in defense of figments of his own imaginations.

After long days and hours of running political commentaries in the witness

box,claiming the unclaimed and indicting the unblemished all in a bid to

build foundation for his case, Tsatsu was brought into the scene to solve

the ambiguous legal riddle to harness understanding for some us.

Mr.TsatsuTsikata's legal prowess is in an awe of extraordinary no wonder at

this stage, even men with bare understanding of common law and simple logic

could perceive the imminent doom encircling the petition.

The current looks of frustration on the faces of the petitioners are

nothing but a rehash of December 9th's desperation and the litigation at

the supreme court is nothing but a lost cause being pursued just for the

records and attention or better still a face saving strategy to shy away

from the wrath of their disgruntled supporters whose intelligence have been

squashed for political gains.

The nauseating posturing of Philip Addison,lead counsel for the petitioners

and his sheer display of arrogance coupled with inappropriate facial

displayance is totally uncalled for,to him the Supreme Court is a

battlefield and he is ready to wrestle whoever confronts him not even

Justice Atuguba would be spared. In attempt to circumvent the realities at

the court, Philip Addison has since the start of the proceedings been

wearing a face of a very aggressive defeated boxer who has nothing to boast

of but intimidating looks. My suspicion is that he knows how feckless the

petition is but to quit is not an option since he could not face the rants

of his desperate masters who are on a rampage mission for power,so

deliberately subjecting himself to unnecessary frustrations to win sympathy

against the vile reactions likely to come from his own backyard after their

defeated is declared is indeed certain.

As the late president J.E.A. Mills said "the wheels of justice grinds

slowly" patience is of great essence to the current situation since equity

does not aid a party at fault my convictions are that justice would

definitely prevail and Ghana would triumph irrespective of how much the

truth is resisted.

From, Ivan Kyei Innocent

0206262717 /nanankyei81@gmail.com

Columnist: Kyei, Ivan