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False Propaganda Against Akufo-Addo must stop now

Tue, 5 Aug 2014 Source: Dabbousi, Fadi

It has come to our attention that a statement, purported to have been issued by Mr Hopeson Adorye, is making the rounds on social media about a farcical reason as to why Hon Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo has suspended his campaign for the Flag-bearership of the NPP.

We are dismayed at the vile and vexatious propaganda that is nothing to go by and must be treated with the contempt that it deserves. It is no secret that Nana, as any normal health-conscious human being not wanting to bamboozle his nation, went for a medical check-up and was cleared to be as FIT AS A FIDDLE. He is strong enough to campaign with more vigour and intensity than the propagandists, especially those who seek to put words in people’s mouths. We do suspect that Hopeson Adorye’s name is being used to tarnish his image and denigrate Hon Nana Akufo-Addo, but we leave nothing to chance as we call on the former to distance himself from this unbecoming and shameful statement, immediately by way of denial or retraction.

The Electoral Commission and the NDC are not trust worthy people. Some months back, we envisaged the fraudulent corridor that was opened when an announcement was made that foreigners could obtain the NHIS cards followed by a subsequent announcement that these same cards could be used as proof of citizenship for registration of voters. We are also aware that post High Court verdict that cancelled this dubious form of identification, passport booklets that were in such short supply, immediately, flooded the system raising the eyebrows of suspecting Ghanaians.

In light of the looming fraud that may mischievously be effected, Honourable Nana Akufo Addo suspended his campaign for no other reason than to give NPP party members and executives the opportunity to keep a close watch on proceedings.

What informed Nana’s decision to suspend his campaign, temporarily, was the massive turnout of NPP supporters and executives wherever he went. That has sent shivers down the spines of haters and other money hungry miscreants who would seize the least opportunity that would inure to the benefit of their self-serving bigoted souls. The registration exercise that will be conducted soon by the EC, coincides with Nana’s tour of the very sensitive NPP support base - Brong Ahafo, Ashanti and Eastern Regions - and considering the boisterous waves of teeming supporters, the campaign was put on hold, shortly.

Other candidates may continue with their respective campaigns because they really have zero effect on people’s attention. The recent coincidental arrival of both, Alan Kyeremanten and Addae Nimo, aspiring flagbearers of the NPP, in Takoradi was an abysmal show, confirming the mantra “No Nana No Vote”. These two gentlemen were found wanting for even the slightest support to avert the shame that was staring them in the face, which was not forthcoming. These and many other reasons never pertinent to health issues as alleged by the writer of the Hopeson Adorye statement, informed Nana Akufo-Addo’s temporary suspension of his campaign.

We at Alert Ghana wish to categorically deny these outrageous and despicable accusations of health issues attributed to Nana’s age and declare as follows:

“With our full belief in the oneness and ability of GOD Almighty, The Creator and Sustainer of the universe, we know that death does not discriminate between the young and old, male or female. Many-a-young soul has been plucked in lieu of an old one and it is a fact of life. However, we take solace in the fact that, while no one’s life is guaranteed, the health and stature of Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo is very impressive and satisfactory to all who know him except the paid, shameful and unrestrained propagandists”.

GOD bless Nana Akufo-Addo and grant him long life that he may continue to serve Mother Ghana with the unflinching loyalty that he is known for.



Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi