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Ghana, my beloved country

Sat, 21 Mar 2015 Source: The Truth Ghana

Ghana, my beloved country: home of the Blackstars, home of the Golden Tree Chocolate, home of the rich African fabric – Kente. The very land that sits upon the majestic splendor of Gold, the robust thickness of Timber, the sincere purity of Diamond, the aluminum strength of Bauxite, the profound elasticity of Rubber, the reflecting glitter of Silver, the softness of Oil, and a host of other rich resources. Once upon a time, the mention of the name “Ghana” brought warmth like these and even more to the heart.

From grass to grace we thrived into independence, and a long way we have come since then. Leaders have come and gone, more shall come; and go, they shall. And with every leader that comes, comes a season. To mention but a few, with Nkrumah it was a season of liberation; with Rawlings it was revolution. Kuffuor came with the upgrade mentality, and Late President Mills is widely remembered today as Asomdwehene.

Today, we have John Dramani Mahama, whose stay as President has also seen some times. For it is in his time that Ghana has become a land of “chop and walk”.

After not answering fully to questions about the world cup expenditure, Elvis Afriye Ankrah instead of being held accountable was moved from the Ministry of Sports to serve in another position. Just recently after the 2015 African Cup of Nations, a similar incident happened with Mahama Ayariga, and very much recently, the famous Woyome has ‘chopped’ and is walking. This seems to me like a pattern. But I say to Ghanaians, the president is not to blame.

Today, despite having the biggest water dam in Africa, and an extra, the electricity issue in Ghana has become unbearable; but still I say, don’t blame the president.

Payment of workers is being delayed from time to time, including that of national service personnel; I still maintain – don’t blame the president.

The people are crying, and the leader of the land is joyfully dancing to “y3 n tie o biaa”; please don’t take it up against him.

After making promises which we heard countless times about the “dumsor”, he turns around to say “oh, it was a prayer point”. Please don’t take it up against him.

Yes, he even went as far as proclaiming a dead goat syndrome to the cries and wails of the people. And I still maintain, don’t blame the president. DON’T BLAME THE PRESIDENT, DON’T BLAME THE PRESIDENT; PLEASE DON’T BLAME THE PRESIDENT. The only person to blame - is you; for it is you that gave him the power which he apparently seems to be intoxicated with at the moment. Maybe you trusted him; maybe you just liked him for his weird or good looks, however you choose to see him or his political affiliation, maybe you just loved his name, maybe, just maybe you did note vote at all. It’s unfortunate, he just cannot handle it; and the only one to blame is You.

At this time, I am certain some might already be judging me, and saying for sure, “he belongs to this party or that party”. One doesn’t have to be a pastor or an Imam to make it to God. Likewise, I do not have to be in party A or B or C or D to speak what I have observed. Actually, it is thoughts like these that have stripped us of our actual dominion. Thoughts like these have become like Adam and Eve’s forbidden fruit unto us.

But is all hope lost for Ghana? I don’t think so. For as long as there is life, there is always hope. Casting of ballots or thumb printing on a paper is not the end of vote, but only the beginning. Just like an employee serves a company, so does the President serve a nation. It is your right, your duty, your obligation, to check the leaders you appoint over yourself. But before you appoint, I humbly suggest, make sure he or she is someone that can stand the pressure and pleasure of the seat.

Long live Ghana! Long live the good works of our fore fathers! Long live the good and great people of Ghana!

Columnist: The Truth Ghana