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Are Ewes Ghanaian Jews? Don't Bet On It

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  • PAA 10 years ago

    sarpong, go and learn your history very well before you step here next time; because all that you are trying do is to demostrate your enviness & tribalistic nature. We EWES are very proud of ourselves & we shall continue to l ...
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  • Curtis Crowley of Kansas City, Mo. U 9 years ago

    Hey, brothers and sisters, it's three years later and I'm just seeing this article. This is what all Ewe and other tribes of the world should see, read, and study. I met Ewe people online and they are who I love hanging out ...
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  • Solomon Nelson 9 years ago

    Whats wrong if they are Ghanaian jews,guess you're not envy about us(ewe)

  • jFafa 9 years ago

    Yawoe wor Ewegbeotowor.

  • Solomon Nelson 9 years ago

    Whats wrong about the ewe's claiming to be ghanaian jews,guess u're not envy about us(ewe)..AM PROUD TO B AN EWE(Ghanaian jews)

  • joe 9 years ago

    Will kill you people.

  • Steve 9 years ago

    Justice Sarpong

    Houston, Texas
    I am highly disgusted by your pompous public display of lack of knowledge on the topic of Ewes being Jews. Contact the correct sources for information on the topic and you will bow your ...
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  • Addo 9 years ago

    This is silly...this guy is disgracing himself. He should have read the Book of Mormon and find out where the Red Indians came from and why therefore the Incas could build like the Egyptians. He should have watched Ghana's Mo ...
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  • seraphim 9 years ago

    whats eating him up?lol

  • Kojo Selasi 9 years ago

    It is no surprise that this writer is calling for DNA proves, DNA can't point to Blackness and soon it will not point to race or tribes, maybe he should know why it should be so. Then he would know why Black Jews are place on ...
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  • George 9 years ago

    and who allowed this sarpong guy to write senseless artical about the ewe.showing a lot of hartred to the ewe people. what does he want to. achieved. even if he wants to educate people is that the way to go.its annoying