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We won't touch Heritage Fund - Ofori-Atta

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  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE (OFIE P33) 7 years ago

    Bloody incompetent government bereft of ideas. You dare not touch it thieves

  • $martphones$upportBiz 7 years ago

    For expertise, YOU CAN'T finish reading this resource from page A-Z and not become an established standard tech-support guru in Electronics! Service based tech support business remains the easiest, most lucrative venture for ...
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  • He 7 years ago

    Masa, is the advert part of the discussion?
    What kind of people do we have in Ghana...

  • ...AGBESI KWESI 7 years ago

    In the late 90s, the NDC was fully implementing the cash and carry hospital system and always oppose the health insurance scheme concept. They even went to the extent of detaining patients who could not afford to pay their ho ...
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  • OLIVER TWIST 7 years ago

    What Osafo Marfo said has clearly been misrepresented by our media.

    Please read what he's quoted as saying and you'll realize he never said the heritage fund was going to be used specifically for the free shs program.

  • Lori 7 years ago

    Inadequate journalism. Where is Osafo, the President?


    It was not for nothing that Ghana was the first black African country to break free from colonial rule. We are determined to show that we can emulate the successes of ...
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  • BUILD MORE PRISONS 7 years ago

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  • Nana Kuffuor. Abeka. La Paz. 7 years ago

    Ken, are you contradicting your boss Osarfo Mafo? Your don't respect eeh?

  • Royal 7 years ago

    You don't even understand English. Did Osarfo Marfo stated emphatically that they are going to use the heritage funds? I think you need free SHS. Why is it that anyone who supports NDC is a "character"

  • Pilolo 7 years ago

    Then you are going to use your ass shit to pay for free shs. Try and touch the money and see you criminals

  • Suweba 7 years ago

    All ndc communicates ar stupid born fools, fuck u all, why did u not impeach Jon Armed robber,n hw dare u say Nana would hv been impeached, if he uses d heritage fund Wat will u do, noise makers, desperate in opposition, u hv ...
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  • Abena 7 years ago

    I only see a mad woman ranting here and Suweba look no further it's you....so cant the opposition criticise like Nana and Bawuwia then in opposition call Mahama incompetent, thieves....now u see how governance is all about??? ...
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  • Nene Nannor. 7 years ago

    Pilolo you are a damn foooool. What can you or any of your stupid NDC goons do? Try anything and l bet you and NDC, that fire will descend on you all. Aboah ba kwasia.

  • Nene Nannor. 7 years ago

    Prince Adade you imbecile mistake of a human being. NPP unlike your NDC is very competent and would achieve what Mahama cannot do in a hundred years.

  • John 7 years ago

    Better,else the dwarf will be impeached.

  • Baba Ndaa 7 years ago

    Senior Minister Yaw Osafo Marfo has been smacked down. This guy did not think through before rushing out. Ghanaians are wide awake.

  • Nene Nannor. 7 years ago

    John,even Mahama was not impeached for taking bribe. He sold the pride of Ghana for a car from a foreign businessman. Fool your party is dead so stay dead.

  • Kobby 7 years ago

    Ghanaians should learn to analyse statements by politician. Safo Margo said May be ..
    If we have .

  • Kotakopia 7 years ago

    Osafo Marfo should have said anything about that issue. "May be" is INSTRUCTIVE enough when dealing with politicians, mostly decorated azaa PEOPLE.

  • Kwaa 7 years ago

    "We join the overwhelming majority of Ghanaians and civil society groups to register our strongest disapproval and objection to this idea. We wish to state emphatically that we shall resist any attempt to amend the Petroleum ...
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  • edi 7 years ago

    If he is not sure, desist from coming out in public with that statement..... and mentioning Heritage Fund. We are serious citizens of discerning minds, he shouldn`t joke with Ghanaians.You remember during Prez Kouffour`s time ...
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  • ofori 7 years ago

    A whole senior minister 'may be'?

  • BOY KOFI 7 years ago

    Matters of such gravity need proper clarification.Mr Ofori Atta must be serious and tell us where the money will come from.We don't need any secret plan here now.Don't worry be happy.

  • Daavi 7 years ago

    Don't be soft on the public you have the mandate to govern YOU CAN USE GHANA'S MONEY FOR THE BENEFIT OF GHANAIANS EVEN WAYOME IS ENJOYING HIS LOOT.

  • Bobby, Denmark 7 years ago

    See them bloody ndc thieves talking here. Apuuu! We know you already.Ndcfour akronfour. You can fool only your foolsoldiers not all of us. Abonsamfour!

  • King 7 years ago

    Let talkertive Bawumia use his economic magic to raise funds for for your unrealistic promises it will be gross incompetence to use the heritage fund to rollout such a programme which means Bawumia is a lazy economist, also A ...
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  • Ewugyadze desperate John Mahama 7 years ago

    You can even be an outsider who cares about your stupid self??

  • Carlos G 7 years ago

    Osafo Marfo is senile and a confused man

  • Agyakwakuo Twumpuduo 7 years ago

    Ghanaians in the rural areas of the ten regions of Ghana are said to form about 70% of Ghana's population. They mostly depend on the land for their subsistence and the price of their produce are always set by the almighty gov ...
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  • Bryan 7 years ago

    I worry about NPP's statements, but I find this Minister more intelligent, composed and more credible than Osafo Marfo.

  • KKK 7 years ago

    Who then authorized the Senior Minister to speak as he did. I would strongly advise that the the President keeps Mr. Osafo Marfo in check before he causes a major blunder. He is not above the President and must act only withi ...
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  • Lori 7 years ago

    Osafo is the President.

  • Yussif 7 years ago

    I think the matter is settled now that the finance minister has spoken,its suggested that Mr Osofo Maafo made the hint that government is going to use the heritage funds to finance the free education program,I know Ndc is goo ...
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  • Paa Kwesi 7 years ago

    Even if President Nana Addo's gov't touch and use part of the Heritage Fund to provide FREE SHS to Ghanaian children and youth, what is the problem, NDC?

  • Chief Asare 7 years ago

    It is highly embarrassing to hear from two senior ministers in disagreement to how the free SHS education is going to be funded. It appears that there is a total lack of executive meeting decision so anyone just hop on the ra ...
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  • KONKONSA 7 years ago

    There is no disagreement. Stop reading headlines and go into details.
    Get the video of Osafo Marfo's comments to the question he was responding to. Ghanaians are so low intellectually they always want to be spoonfed. Blame ...
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  • Daniel 7 years ago


  • Gragra 7 years ago

    Osafo Marfo kraaaaaaa dey talk tooooo much.

  • empire 7 years ago

    all these come about because of lazy journalists work. most journalists in Ghana now are so dumb and don't know where they got their training from.

  • KONKONSA 7 years ago

    I totally agree. Its a shame such a serious profession has been left to folk who aren't able to gain access to university due to the lack of intellect. Its become a bandwagon for rubble rousers, blackmailers and buffoons.

  • Teye Mensah 7 years ago

    Given that everything will be virtually "FREE", I wonder who will opt to be day students. Are there going to be guidelines as to who will be and who will not be?

  • Isaac 7 years ago

    Where is Bawumia were will you get funds to run the free free things

  • Yaw 7 years ago

    I think these intellectuals and apparent gurus are over-rated in Ghana. there is a chronic lack of thinking on policy before the hasty announcement- political expediency!

  • kanewo 7 years ago

    This finance minister talk to much.Are you going to command funds from the sky?Stop ratting your mouth and fix the economy.

  • Kofi Jnr 7 years ago

    So if you keep that money in the account for the future generation, who are the future generation is it another breed of people from another planet ? Is the future not the young people of our age so what is wrong to use the h ...
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  • Razaki 7 years ago

    The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. All we get from NPP govt are allegations and counter-allegations, chaos, lawlessness, half-baked truths, car-grabbing, total disrespect for institutions of the land and tota ...
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  • AGYENKWANUA 7 years ago

    Please all resources are for Ghanaians, both current and future generations. Don't waiver in using any national resource for the development of the nation if the project is value for money in the interest of the nation. Ofori ...
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  • Wiseman 7 years ago

    Well, good idea though for our kids, but the educational system need to include vocational and technical skills so that after high school the kids can somehow be independent. If you look at countries like gernmany and Holland ...
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  • BOY KOFI 7 years ago

    Mr Finance Minister,if you are won't touch the Heritage Fund,please tell us now where the money for free shs will come from.Don't worry be happy.

  • GOOD FATHER 7 years ago

    Why than refusin g to touch because the masses refused.NPP would the this small amount for the future heritage.Stick to your promises and stop marry go round politics.

  • Agonaba 7 years ago

    Leave the Gov't alone to do good job,investing in the generations ahead takes a sacrifice.

  • THE CRUSADER 7 years ago

    Mazda,why should you take the headache to respond to these demons?what did they do with it yesterday?shaaaame bribe cookers.by the way where is agambire?

  • BOY KOFI 7 years ago

    Nana Addo himself made it clear during the 2012 Presidential Debate that his govt will use the oïl revenue to fund free shs so why all this useless denial?Thanks.

  • Kwaku kyeretwie 7 years ago

    We have Ashanti goldfields. Timber, Akwatia diamonds and Tarkwa goldfields all from the southern Ghana from which we can find the free SHS. These resources had over the years took care if the now Ayariga, Okudzato Ablakwa and ...
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  • Hamza 7 years ago

    Stupid fool! Where was the contradiction. Have heard the Osafo Maafo's tape?

  • Ken 7 years ago

    Incompetent paa be dis.who should save money for you to come and enjoy your campaign promised

  • Kwame 7 years ago

    The center is not holding NPP..
    It is said that he who sow the wind reap the whirlwind.
    NPP has sowed lies and is reaping mere anarchy in government.

  • JINNI POWERS MAN 7 years ago

    “THE HIGH POWER JINNI MAGIC RING”(0265800003) A SECRET FORMULA unwritten until now, Remember the KINGS and their fabulous wealth? Even today the tomb of the KINGS yields spectacular quantities of GOLD, SILVER, and DIAMOND ...
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  • Philip 7 years ago

    This government think they r smart,they throw things to test the waters before taking decisions.

  • M10 7 years ago

    Use all funds to create heritage jobs now.

  • Kutsii 7 years ago

    Hmmmm hmmmm !! Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwaaaa Osafo Marfo kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwasia. adjeeeiiii.

    Omarfo Safo kwasia npanin.

  • JACOB 7 years ago

    Ghanaians shd first listen to the statement made by Osafo Marfo before commenting,i dont know why this ndc people think of we the youth,who are the future generations? The president shd let each formal ministry account for ev ...
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  • NANA USA 7 years ago

    Ken why you and your party coward like this? Call a spade a spade and stop beating about in the bush.ghanaians want to know how the SHS will be funded.This very question was put to Akuffo Addo by Shaika Stevens is the BBC and ...
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  • NANA USA 7 years ago

    Ofori Atta is a damm bastard liar who didn't hear Osafo Marfo talk of use the heritage fund.They will be worse than NDC and Ghanaians will always recall NDC.

  • Nene Nannor. 7 years ago

    NANA USA you are a toilet cleaner in the USA. Who is more qualified to talk about the means to finance education than Ofori Attah. Tell us you shit carrier

  • NANA USA 7 years ago

    You typical fool if you are being deceived bcos you are blind you can't see,who are you to insult me do you know what l do? Bush man from the vilage.There are people ho carry the shit you talking of in Ghana fo money you mayb ...
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