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Cop shoots man dead in Ngauro

Crime Scene Yellow The policeman was aiming to shoot the man's legs but accidentally shot him at the back

Wed, 4 Nov 2020 Source:

Local authorities in the defunct Kapoeta state of Eastern Equatoria have reported that a policeman shot a civilian dead in Ngauro Payam police station last Sunday.

The policeman was guarding the cells at the station when the deceased, identified only as Achulo, brought local brew (kwete) for his brother who was in custody.

Augustino Meri, the Didinga community leader in greater Kapoeta told radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that the policeman is now on the run.

"Yes, there was a person in custody and the deceased brought him something while the policeman was on guard. The policeman asked him what he had brought and he said local brew. The policeman then asked him why he brought alcohol to the police station and the deceased dropped what he was carrying and started running and was shot by the policeman,” Meri said.

He alleged the policeman was aiming to shoot the man's legs but accidentally shot him at the back, killing him instantly.

The community leader urged for calm and patience while investigations go on.

“I want to tell the community especially the family of the late to be patient because the policeman did not intend to kill. They should not be annoyed and do something bad. I know the family must be annoyed but the government will handle the matter,” he assured.

David Eriga, the secretary-general of the defunct Kapoeta State, confirmed the killing and said the government is following up the case to hold the policeman accountable.
