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Cop sucked my breasts and wanted oral sex in cell - 15-year-old Kenyan girl

Sexual Assault File photo

Fri, 13 Dec 2019 Source:

A 15-year-old girl was on Thursday night allegedly molested inside a cell at Kilifi police station.

The girl, according to her parents, was taken to the station to be disciplined after disrespecting them.

Confirming the incident, Kilifi North police commander Njoroge Ngigi said already an inquiry file had been opened over the matter.

Ngigi said the girl, a class four pupil in one of the primary schools in Kibarani location, had been taken to a children’s home.

“We want to look into the allegations by the girl and thereafter follow the procedures. Currently, she has been rescued,” he said.

Speaking to the star on Thursday, the minor said her parent and maternal uncle ordered her to board a motor cycle without telling her where they were going.

Their journey however ended at the Kilifi police station.

“At the police station a police officer kept on ordering me to move from one place to the other. My parents talked with the officer and he told them that I would spend the night at the police station and that they should come very early in the morning so that they could take me to hospital for medical tests to ascertain if I have been having sex with boys,” she said.

She narrated that a police officer who she could identify locked her up in the cell before another officer took over from him.

“I was locked in an isolated room and while I was standing a police officer came to pick one of the mattresses. He asked me if I had eaten. He went and came back and started asking why I was in the cells and then left. He came back and asked me if I had a mosquito coil and a matchbox and then left again,” she said.

The minor said the officer kept going and coming back and asking the same question.

“He came and lit his phone and forced me to bend and look around if I can see the mosquito coil and matchbox but I told him there was none and he left once again,” she said.

When he came for the fourth time, the officer allegedly demanded to see the breasts of the minor.

“He asked me to pull up my T-shirt so that he could see my breasts but I refused. He told me that no one would catch us. He went and came back again and opened the door and entered the cell and grabbed me, pulled my T-shirt up and started sucking my breasts. He unzipped his trouser and asked me to suck his manhood but I refused and put my hand on my mouth. He kept on pushing my head on him,” she added.

She disclosed that while she was resisting, the officer threatened to slap her.

“He kept on telling me that I was hurting him. He hurriedly left and told me that he was going to bring the mosquito coil and matchbox," she said.

The parents now want the matter to be investigated so that the officer who molested their daughter could be identified and prosecuted.

“We need justice for our daughter. We wanted our child to be guided to change her bad character,” said the father.

The mother of the girl said she was seeking police assistance to discipline her daughter.

“I just wanted the police to help me to make my girl disciplined since she was not obedient and she was stealing a little money at home. I have caned her and her father has also tried to talk to her but she is not changing,” she said.
