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Court denies three suspected al shabaab suspects bail

Men Meet file photo

Thu, 12 Mar 2020 Source:

Three suspected al Shabaab sympathizers were arraigned in a Garissa Court where they denied being members of the al Shabaab militia.

Garissa senior Magistrate Timothy Ole Tanchu, however, denied the three Adan Saman, Haret Dubow and Keynan Aden Maulid bail ruling that they should remain in custody.

The three are accused of provided Al-Shabaab militants with information as well as aiding them during the January 12th Kamuthe trading center attack that left three non-local teachers dead.

The suspects are alleged to have helped the militants carry explosives used in the destruction of Safaricom masts, firearms and ammunition during the attack.

Senior prosecutor Peter Wanaina said the trio ‘are dangerous to the public saying they have even traveled to Somalia to meet their associates and should not release on bail.

Wainana said according to intelligence report the suspects' accomplices are still at large and could interfere with the ongoing investigations.

"If released there is a likelihood that they could sneak into Somalia to plan for more attacks,” Wainana told a packed court.

However, the defense led by Garissa based lawyer Cyprian Onono said denying the accused bail is a contravention of their constitutional right saying it’s unfortunate the three have been in custody for the last 34 days.

“Police had all the time to conclude their investigations. Asking for time to continue detaining my clients is against the constitution,” he said.

He said the prosecution quoting intelligence reports without tangible evidence on the date the accused traveled to Somalia ‘is empty and should not be used a basis deny the accused bail’.

Unono claimed that the police have the tendency of pinning the ‘Al-Shabaab tag’ to innocent Kenyans and using it to hold them without justification.

Timothy Ole Tanchu ruled that the three be remanded at GK prison until March 23rd.
