
Moroccan police arrest 3 suspected terrorists

Arrest Handcuffs Male File photo: The suspects were aged between 21 to 38 years old

Sat, 5 Dec 2020 Source:

Moroccan police said Friday they had arrested three men in the northern city Tetouan, suspected of terrorist plots and links to the Islamic State group.

According to the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations, "the men had taped a video in which they pledged allegiance to the supposed emir of IS’’.

In the video, the men had also specified the main objectives of their terrorist plans.

The suspects had already conducted several visits to identify their targets, the statement said, adding that they intended to attack with explosives or through methods similar to "Daesh", using the Arabic acronym for IS.

Items seized were chemicals used to make explosive devices, an IS banner and several firearms.

The suspects were aged between 21 to 38 years old. Morocco regularly announces that it has dismantled radicalized cells.

According to an official report, it made 79 arrests related to terrorism in 2019.
