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Brace for harder times, Lissu tells Tanzania opposition

Lissu Tundu Tundu Lissu has warned the opposition in Tanzania to brace for hard times ahead

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 Source:

Tundu Lissu has warned the opposition in Tanzania to brace for hard times ahead as President John Magufuli's administration has nothing to lose and the crackdown on opposition is likely to intensify in the next five years of its rule.

The Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) deputy chairman was addressing the media via Zoom from Belgium on Monday. He said his party will not wait for “divine intervention” but is going back to the ground to strengthen its internal democracy and discipline to build a stronger party.

He called on party supporters to give moral and material help to “political prisoners” and their families “until this difficult time passes.”

“This is the time to be the Biblical your brothers’ and sisters’ keeper,” he said.

He reiterated that Chadema is campaigning internationally for sanctions against the Tanzania administration.

“What you saw in the EU parliament is just the beginning,” he said. This was in reference to last week’s questions raised in the EU parliament on how the government of Tanzania used COVID-19 funds when it had declared publicly the country had no COVID-19 cases.

Mr Lissu, was joined in the press briefing by the ACT-Wazalendo leader Zitto Kabwe who said his party is in internal talks on whether to participate in the Zanzibari government of national unity or not, following President Dr Hussein Mwinyi’s invitation as per the Zanzibari Constitution.
