
Plane carrying Nigerians struggles to land at Heathrow Airport

Britishairways2 File photo: The British Airways plane struggled had to abort landing due to strong winds

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 Source:

Passengers on a London-bound airplane that took off from Nigeria's capital, Abuja, were thrown into panic Sunday as strong winds forced the flight to abort its landing.

The incident happened seconds after the plane touched down on the runway of the Heathrow Airport in London.

A video posted on social media platforms on Sunday showed a British Airways plane struggling to land during Storm Ciara.

The BBC reported that British Airways was unable to confirm the source of the flight, though it was reported on social media as coming from Abuja, Nigeria.

Charles Okonkwo, a Nigerian passenger on the flight took to his social media platform to recount the experience Sunday night.

The man, in a post on Facebook, described the moment as "by far the scariest moment of my life," adding that "but The Grace of God was with us."

"I was in this plane coming back from Abuja this afternoon," he explained after posting a Youtube footage of the moments the plane struggled to land.

The BBC quoted the British Airways as saying that the aircraft went on to land safely after circling the airport.

PREMIUM TIMES' efforts to reach the airline Monday morning were unsuccessful.

Storm Ciara swept across the UK on Sunday, with heavy rain and gusts of up to 97mph causing widespread flooding and major disruption on the transport network. The storm hit the UK with gales of 60mph to 80mph bringing some air, ferry and rail journeys to a standstill.

Reports said disruption is continuing as the after-effects of the storm come with widespread flooding and severe gales.

More than 20,000 homes spent the weekend without power, while flood warnings remain in place across the country. Flooding and debris continue to cause problems for rail passengers, who are urged to check their routes.

On Sunday, forecasters said some areas could see blizzards and up to 20cm (8in) of snow.
