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Prisons officer killed, policeman injured in Camp 15 attack

Gun.png The armed youth opened sporadic fire at the Camp 15 market

Wed, 4 Nov 2020 Source:

A lone gunman on Saturday opened fire at a market in Camp 15 town, Loryok Payam of the defunct Kimotong County in Eastern Equatoria State, killing a prison officer and injuring a police officer.

The deceased prison officer, First Lieutenant Cirilo Lokaimoi, died on the spot while police Sergeant James Kimo is receiving treatment.

Local authorities say the armed youth, believed to be from Kiduli Boma, opened sporadic fire at the Camp 15 market and the two officers were shot while responding to the shooting incident.

The secretary-general of the defunct Kapoeta State, David Eriga, told Radio Tamazuj over the weekend that the reason for the shooting was unclear and that the suspect remains at large.

“On Saturday, at around 7 PM, a known person came and opened fire on two people killing one prison officer and wounding a policeman," Eriga said. “The killer is at large and we are now looking for him but he is known. The reason behind his actions is not known. We will know when we apprehend him.”

Eriga said such incidents cause fear among the population and warned the youth against using guns when they are under the influence of alcohol.

“The criminal first of all started shooting his gun and when the two officers heard gunshots, they went to the scene to find out what was happening. But the criminal shot at them as soon as they arrived on the scene in the market. The criminal is from Kuduli Boma, Kimotong county,” said Archangelo Lokolmoi Natukoi, the former commissioner in the defunct Kimotong County who witnessed the shooting.
