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Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency says unsafe Dangote cement was not sold on the Market

Dangote Cement Packs 2 Dangote cement

Thu, 9 Jan 2020 Source:

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has dispelled social media reports alleging that the Agency allowed Dangote cement to be sold on the market after allegedly failing to meet the required standardized tests.

ZCSA Communications Officer, Caroline Kalombe said that the Agency conducts inspections at Dangote Industries Zambia Ltd bi-annually, but that it did not conduct any inspections in December 2019 or collect any samples for testing as purported on social media.

Ms. Kalombe disclosed to ZNBC News in a statement that from the last inspection and tests that were conducted on-site in August 2019, the Agency did not find evidence of substandard cement produced at the plant.

She further added that samples were then collected and sent to a laboratory in South Africa in the same month for full testing as per procedure and the results were within the required standard.

Ms. Kalombe said the Agency is mandated to ensure public health and safety and therefore, would not put the lives of Zambians at risk by allowing an unsafe product on the market.
