The Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) have banned Congo Brazzaville from all football-related activities.
In a statement, the world’s governing body cited "third-party undue interference" as the reason for the suspension imposed on the Central African country.
FIFA indicated that this interference violates Article 16 of its statutes.
"FECOFOOT has been suspended with immediate effect due to a particularly serious situation of undue interference by third parties in the affairs of the organization, which constitutes a clear violation of FECOFOOT’s obligations in accordance with the FIFA Statutes."
The ban means Congo will not participate in the upcoming 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers in March.
FIFA further listed four conditions that must be met for the suspension of FECOFOOT to be lifted, which include the association being handed full control of its operations.
The lifting of the suspension will be subject to the following conditions:
1. Returning full control of the FECOFOOT headquarters, the Ignié Technical Centre and the association’s other facilities to FECOFOOT;
2. Desisting from any efforts to change the signatories of the FECOFOOT bank accounts and/or giving full control back to the signatories recognised by FIFA and CAF;
3. Declaring invalid or setting aside any decisions, legal or otherwise, authorising the ad hoc committee to exercise any control or have any authority over FECOFOOT; and
4. Ensuring full cooperation to allow FECOFOOT to manage its affairs without undue influence from third parties.
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