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So they cannot do good to people by providing them food for sale. Are we not supposed to do good feeding animals, providing essential services, providing hospitality during day time to others of different persuasions.
Made Easy to learn, make daily income with this skill! No cash-capital for a sales business this year? No worries. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW into knowledge/skill, & REAP money in exchange. It is tra ...
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The bible and the Koran are manuals of human control. Religion is man made to dominate man. Africans wake up and live.
Such a stupid country where the government controls part and foolish mohamedan rapist also control part. How can a sharia court be running parallel to constitutional courts? Tbrn when they come online, they will spew nonsense ...
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By force fasting is not what Allah want. Stupid and insane people.
Muslims most of the time uses Takahashi in their doings,why is it compulsory to get fast, leaves people alone to enjoy their peace
Lead people through the religious ways but not force. As you forcefully arrest them for disrespecting Ramada
or whatever, what if someone else does same in his hidings. I see islam as the only religion left in the 21st cent ...
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