
AIMS approves Millennium Marathon 2015 in Ghana

Tue, 2 Jun 2015 Source: Sammy Heywood Okine

The first ever international long distance race aka The Millennium Marathon to be held in Ghana on September 6, 2015 has been approved by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS).

Hughes Jones, a top international personality of the Association was in Ghana to inspect the course of the race and tested the starting and finishing points at the Independence Square in Accra before blessing the event.

He gave the green light for the race and urged other international runner to take part as there is a brand new car at stake.

AIMS is a member based organization of more than 380 of the world’s leading distance races, from over 100 countries & territories. The objectives of AIMS are to foster and promote distance running throughout the world, to work with the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) on all matters relating to international road races and to exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of the association.

The reasons why races should consider joining AIMS are Access to an international network of over 380 top races in more than 100 countries, International recognition for the event with increased profile for your sponsors, city and runners, increased overseas entry for the race, generating inward investment opportunities free advertisement each year in Distance Running, distributed at major road races throughout the world (present circulation over 400,000 copies annually) free listing in the AIMS-IAAF calendar circulated worldwide to press and media the facility to exhibit from AIMS' expo booths at major world marathons copies of Distance Running for distribution at your event, certified measurement of your course by an IAAF-AIMS measurer (at additional cost), advice on race management, technical standards, promotion, publicity and doping control, participation in policy formulation concerning the organisation and development of road running through

attendance at AIMS World Congresses, a monthly newsletter keeping you in touch with developments worldwide and quarterly statistics on events from 5km to the Marathon.

Races can join AIMS as associate or full members. Associate status is intended for new races of less than two years standing. After two years as an associate member, races are required to move up to full member status.

Members must have their courses measured by an accredited IAAF-AIMS measurer.

Members are expected to offer a table or booth at their race expo for the exclusive use of other AIMS members. Equally, members may send race promotional material for display at and distribution from such booths of fellow AIMS members.

By such means AIMS offers a platform from which members can effectively promote their event to overseas markets.

Historical background of AIMS

AIMS was firmly established in May 1982 with its first Congress in London. Informal discussions had been held over the previous two years amongst some of the world's leading marathon race directors with a view to setting up such an association. Meetings were held in New York, Honolulu and other venues prior to the formal meeting in London.

AIMS was initially established with the idea of providing a forum for the exchange of ideas that would help to improve each attending director's race. However, once it was decided to write Articles of Association it was found necessary to go beyond just the exchange of ideas and to set some basic rules to govern the association and membership.

The major objectives of the Association are to foster and promote distance running throughout the world; to work with the International Association of Athletic Federations on all matters relating to international road races, and to exchange information, knowledge and expertise among the members of the Association.

By Sammy Heywood Okine

Member of Millennium Marathon

Publicity Committee

Source: Sammy Heywood Okine