
Mensah leads Duquesne sweep of Toronto area

Mon, 10 Sep 2007 Source: Kwadwo-Ntim Micky Charles

Kojo Mensah had 20 points and four steals and Shawn James had 19 points and five blocked shots Monday to lead Duquesne to a 107-80 victory over Waterloo University and a sweep of its four-game Canadian tour.

Kojo Mensah had 20 points and four steals and Shawn James had 19 points and five blocked shots Monday to lead Duquesne to a 107-80 victory over Waterloo University and a sweep of its four-game Canadian tour.
The Dukes averaged 102.3 points in defeating the University of Toronto 92-60, Ryerson 107- 84, Sheridan College 105-76 and Waterloo during their three-day trip to the Toronto area. The games will not count in Duquesne's regular-season record.

Source: Kwadwo-Ntim Micky Charles