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6.4 magnitude earthquake don hit southern Turkey again

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023 Source: BBC

One 6.4 magnitude earthquake don strike southern Turkey, weeks afta one deadly quake scata di region.

Turkey disaster and emergency agency Afad say di tremor happun at 20.04 local time (17.04 GMT).

Witnesses tell tori pipo for Reuters news agency say e don get further damage to buildings for Antakya.

One 7.8-magnitude strike di region on 6 February, kill more than 44,000 pipo for Turkey and Syria.

Turkish authorities don record more than 6,000 aftershocks since dat earthquake hit, but di BBC team for di region say today tremor feel much stronger than previous ones.

Witnesses say dem feel di most for Syria, Egypt and Lebanon.

E no dey clear how much damage e don cause or if e get any casualties.

For one tweet, Afad ask pipo to stay away from coastlines as a precaution against di risk of rising sea levels.

Muna Al Omar, one local resident, tell Reuters she bin dey in a tent for one park forcentral Antakya wen di earthquake hit.

"I thought di earth wan split open unda my feet," she tok, crying as she hold her 7-year-old son.

"Anoda aftershock go dey?" she ask.

Antakya, di capital of Turkey Hatay Province, na one of di places hit most severely by di earthquake on 6 February.

Source: BBC