
Nigerian priest wey resign to support polygamy return to church, apologise

94052146 Reverend Makuo Lotanna Ogbuchukwu

Thu, 29 Dec 2022 Source: BBC

One former Anglican priest Reverend Makuo Lotanna Ogbuchukwu wey resign sake of say im wan start movement to support polygamy don announce say im don return back to di church.

Dis dey come afta di priest wey base for Nnewi, Anambra State Southeast Nigeria for one video wey go viral announce im resignation for September.

E bin claim say polygamy no be sin and advise men to practice am instead of sleeping wit anoda man wife or woman wey no be dia wife.

Di priest bin claim say polygamy na arrangement from God and urge men to marry dia side chicks to escape hellfire.

Ogbuchukwu bin serve as Anglican priest for nearly three years before im resignation.

Di cleric tell di ova 200 pipo wey indicate interest to start church wey go promote polygamy say make dem no vex as im don return back to im church.

‘I misinterpret revelations’

For one statement for im Facebook page on boxing day, di cleric say im message about polygamy na sake of say im misinterpret di revelations wey im receive on "divine movement for sexual purity."

“I Rev Ogbuchukwu Makuo Lotanna hereby withdraw my humble self from propagation of di polygamy movement and plead wit everyone to forget wetin I don tok on dis movement as I don fully back off and I don fully go back to di church and promise say I no go speak or work against di sound and godly doctrines of my church,” e tok for di statement.

Di priest pledge to give im “full and undivided attention” to all di tins wey God call am to do as a priest in obedience to di instituted authority of di church.

“I wish to inform di general body of Christ and di general public say I don submit letter of apology to my Lord Bishop for resigning as member of di body of Clergy Association of Diocese of Nnewi Anglican Communion,” di cleric tok.

E also tok say e don withdraw and delete all di videos and messages wey contain im preaching on polygamy wey im post on social media.

Di cleric say for any programme to achieve sexual purity, e need to be di one wey go build di Church of Christ and di church suppose accept am.

E add say im no fit dey among pipo wey dey fight di church.

“I thank dose wey handle my case wit love, prayers and maturity, and apologise to dose wey dey disappointed in me, deceived or offended by my action,” di cleric tok.

Wen monogamy (one man one wife) first start?

E still no dey clear wen monogamy take start gan-gan for human beings.

However, some anthropologists don look di fact say human beings from before bin dey very sexually dimorphic, wey mean say dem bin dey different shapes and size bin mean say dem bin dey practice non-monogamy.

Dis na on top say different animals wey dey sexually dimorphic dey decide on mates based on strength and sometimes looks we fit give room for dat kain tin.

Also scientists, bin find say di way di Y chromosome bin no dey diverse show say due to non-monogamy, na only few men bin get babes to kpansh around dat time.

We also sabi from archaeology say humans bin stay for small, close extended family groups.

Dis one fit mean say dem dey kpansh around dat group so you no go fit pick genetic siblings.

But some sabi pipo don tok say di reason behind di widespread of monogamy as normal fit dey becos of di media and also ownership of land on top say man bin wan carry dia property give dia future pikin.

And dat na wh dem claim say monogamy and heterosexuality dey "normal".

Source: BBC