Xylophone Music from Ghana (Performance in World Music Series)

Trevor Wiggins
Joseph Kobom

$ 143.54 (new)
$ 17.37 (used)

Paperback (60 pages)

White Cliffs Media

Editorial Description

A British expert in African music presents easy to learn xylophone pieces from Ghana with background information on the instrument, an easy numbering system for beginners, and variations of increasing complexity for performers. Simultaneous.

Reader Reviews

Xylophone History in Ghana w/ music transcriptions
From Table of Contents:

* Introduction
* Building a Xylophone
* Performance
* Using Ghanaian Pentatonic Xylophone Music in Education
* Transcriptions of Xylophone Music - as taught by Joseph Kobom

From Introduction:

"The xylophone (gyil) in Ghana is played mainly in the Upper West region of the country by people speaking the Dagaare and Sisaala languages, whose territory also extends into Burkina Faso.

The information and music presented in this book was provided by Joseph Kobom who learned to play the xylophone in his home town of Nandom in Northern Ghana, and who is now an instructor at the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana.

In some areas the instrument is considered to be sacred and is played only for funerals. However in the Wa district the xylophone is not played for funerals and in the central (Jirapa) area xylophones are frequently used for all kinds of musical occasions."