Is the Bible a Woman's Enemy?

Kwame, A. Insaidoo

$ 10.00 (new)

Paperback (48 pages)

RoseDog Books

Editorial Description

Have you ever wondered why men occupy top positions everywhere you go? Have you wondered why there has never been a female pope, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, or Catholic priest? Have you wondered why America has never had a female president, vice-president, or a chief justice? Can you believe that maybe, just maybe, our Holy Bible could be responsible for this? Can you also believe that our Holy Bible condemns women to inferior status in the church, whose influence the secular society followed? I challenge you to read this book today and learn to your horror and amazement how our Holy Bible sanctioned rape and forced marriages against women. How the Bible condones incestuous relations, how the Bible even approves of polygamy, concubine, and adultery. Read it to find out how great biblical patriarchs like Abraham, Jacob, Esau, King David, King Solomon, and others had sexual liaisons with numerous wives, housemaids, and concubines. In these pages, you will find out how the Apostle Paul and his fellow evangelists institutionalized subordinated roles in the Church for women and maintained to this day.