A Handbook for Writing Skills

Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang

$ 17.29 (new)
$ 16.29 (used)

Paperback (160 pages)

Ghana Univ. Press

Editorial Description

The author is a senior lecturer in English at the University of CapeCoast. She has taught in the Communicative Skills Programme since itsinception in 1989; and was a tutor at the Writing Workshop at YorkUniversity, Toronto. Currently researching literature by women from Ghana,she here sets out in detail what writers need to know about writing skills. She draws upon her personal experience, and provides detailed guidance. The book is a step-by-step handbook covering reading,note-making and note-taking, basic sentence patterns, subject-verb agreements, ambiguities and dangling modifiers, the academic essay, paragraphing, composing the introduction and conclusion, punctuation and documention; and footnotes and bibliography.