Rebel (African Writers Series)

Bediako Asare

$ 4.95 (new)
$ 1.98 (used)

Paperback (160 pages)


Editorial Description

An exciting story of a man's struggle against a conservative fetishist priest to bring a better life to his people. It is set on an island off East Africa, though written by a Ghanaian.

Reader Reviews

Are the gods really going crazy?
Bediako Asare's "Rebel" is a well written story set in a nostalgically colorful and mythical African jungle where all that could go wrong does go wrong. It captures the essence of life as it traverses a suspenseful, treacherous and sometimes humorous road in a dramatization that transcends time and space. I was engrossed in the story from the very first line, and enjoyed every piece of the story as it developed through several climactic episodes of insidious and chivalrous acts until its grand finale. Hats off to Bediako Asare.