
African Spectrum Responds To GNC Executives Re-Joinder!

Tue, 28 Sep 2004 Source: african spectrum editor, mr. berko akoto

Usually the management of Spectrum does not mince words with unprofessionals who do not have an idea what business is all about but in this case, we will make an exception. The financial secretary to the GNC, a journalist ?wanna- be, and a known plagiarist, struggles to become a journalist but do not know how to go about it and instead will try to smear the image of an accredited newspaper publication but with regrettably with no success.

I will tutor the journalist-wanna-be what publishing is all about. With the slippery slope he alluded to while responding to an editorial of ours about the Ghanafest, any professional will know that those were the ravings of a jealous journalist-wanna-be whose inferior writing would not make it through any journalism school. No wonder why he actually wipes asses for a living!

Each year during the Ghanafest, the GNC publishes an Ad book. The key word here is publishing. They charge for the allotted spaces because the printing of the book is not free. Free, a favorite word of the journalist ?wanna-be. Therefore, it is reasonable that they charge for the spaces. In addition, he has said that the cost of printing for the book is high. If the cost of printing a note-sized book is high imagine the cost of printing the size of a newspaper.

By the word SPONSOR, the journalist-wanna-be, who probably do not know how to use a dictionary because it is the same Webster?s dictionary the gives the word ADVERTISE as a SYNONYM for SPONSORSHIP. Just look in your dictionary once again and read what SPONSORSHIP is all about. Obviously, you were blinded with jealousy to continue reading on when you looked in the dictionary. For his information, synonyms are the last words that are listed under each word for those that have them. We have every right to use the word sponsorship because we did the advertisement. If he talks about us milking the community, we are far generous than he will ever dream of and for the sincere people that have dealt with us either professionally or personally, they will attest to the fact. We do not need a jealous journalist-wanna-be to tell us otherwise.

This year, the GNC did not refuse a booth until they received payment. He is a blatant liar because we talked the previous the night and no talk of money was mentioned. Even on the park, money was not the issue, it was personal vengeance that he was after. Just like he said in the response, left to him alone, he would not have given us a space.

The issue was that the press booth had been allocated and instead of press, it was something else. Obviously, the would-be-journalist, who do not have a journalistic experience yet he wants to be one has not attended real events where press booths are used for press and press alone whether they are there or not.

The journalist-wanna-be also made another journalistic blunder when he said they had free advertisement in an Atlanta-based newspaper. A Chicago Ad, in an Atlanta newspaper because it is free. Think about it! What is the prudence in it? No wonder why Ghanafest keeps getting smaller by the year.

The cost of running a business is nothing that the journalist-wanna-be knows about. His ranting and ravings are all about his inability to produce a quality newspaper so he would rather use the easy way out by using the web where no expenses are involved and does not involve any real journalistic work of diction, layout or design.

We also do not hesitate to mention the fact that the would-be-journalist is a known plagiarist whose stole a poem written by another person and made it his own. If he wants to further pursue this matter, we will publish the poem, his picture and his name once again.

Do not be a crybaby! Keep trying with your fledgling journalist career, if you call it so, and maybe, just maybe, one day you will stop your ass-wiping job, grow up and become a real journalist.


The GNC Executives would like to state that we do not have any intent to reply further to this latest response by the SPECTRUM management and prefer for now to leave the facts as we have already stated in our responses.
Source: african spectrum editor, mr. berko akoto