
Ambassador To Mali Touches Base With Ghanaians

Sat, 29 Oct 2011 Source: Ghana Embassy, Bamako, Mali


Ghana’s Ambassador To Mali Touches Base With Ghanaians In Mali Once Again

His Excellency Mr. Donald Adabere Adabre, Ghana’s Ambassador to the Republic of Mali, was in the Sikasso region of Mali on a four-day consular visit to Ghanaian nationals in that part of the country, from 17th to 21st October, 2011.

The Ambassador’s trip to the region, about 350 km south of Bamako and close to the borders of Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, was the third in a series of visits by the Ambassador to his compatriots living in Mali. He was accompanied by the Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy, Mr. Daniel Okaiteye-Blessyn, as well as the President of the Association of Ghanaian Community in Mali, Mr. Frempong Beniaku.

Ghanaians in this part of the country are mostly traders in second hand clothings, water pumps and other irrigation equipment, and are known to face some challenges in the course of their trading, including alleged harassment by Malian police and customs officials in and around the border regions. His Excellency Donald Adabre, therefore, seized the opportunity of his visit to meet with the administrative and security officials on the issue, during which he called for investigation and subsequent redress of the alleged harassment. Ghanaians in the areas are, however, said to be peaceful and law-abiding.

In all, four towns were visited, including the regional capital, Sikasso city, Bougouni, Kutiala and Koury. His Excellency the Ambassador advised his nationals to keep away from the use and handling of narcotic drugs and to avoid all tendencies likely to detract from the good image and prestige of Ghana in Mali. Ghanaians in the region expressed their appreciation for the Ambassador’s visit and for his interest in the various challenges facing them.

Since February, 2011, His Excellency Mr. Donald Adabre has embarked on three official visits to several parts of Mali, including the regions of Kayes in the north, Segou in the east and recently Sikasso in the south, to gather at first hand information on the living circumstances and working conditions of his compatriots. The present endeavour by the Ambassador in Mali also forms part of a grand plan to mobilize Ghanaians in the diaspora for national development efforts back home.

Ghana Embassy, Bamako, Mali

26th October, 2011

Source: Ghana Embassy, Bamako, Mali