
Asenso-Boakye Files

Wed, 26 Mar 2008 Source: --

Tuesday, March 26, 2008

I am announcing today that I have filed my nomination to contest the Bantama NPP Parliamentary primary.

I have made this exciting decision, because there comes a time when we need to heed to certain calls: a call to serve! I'm running because the constituents are disappointed with the performance of the incumbent; I'm running because I believe I can do better; I'm running because the people of Bantama deserve better; I'm running because I believe leadership counts. It's regrettable that I have to run against a woman at a time when our party, especially, our presidential candidate is encouraging more women to go into politics. This notwithstanding, I believe the wishes of the people must prevail at all times in our contemporary political decision making process.

I'm going to start a dialogue with party delegates and voters in the constituency about challenges I hope to tackle as a Member of Parliament (MP) — inspire the kids for a better future, give the young people new dreams, bring government closer to the people. I'm not just starting a campaign; I'm beginning a conversation with the good people of Bantama. I am going to talk and chat with them for the good of Bantama, Ghana, and Africa as a whole.

The Bantama constituency is faced with many challenges. Many of the kids are school dropouts, and many are not able to go beyond class six (6). These kids do not have any hope for the future. They do not believe in education because they don't have the motivation. Most of my friends I started school with did not go beyond JSS; my election will inspire the kids in Bantama because they know me as one of their own, and if I could do it, they can also do it!

As leaders, we need to think outside the box and help the government take our country from the shackles of poverty. Unemployment remains the greatest challenge facing this community. We do not even have a Chamber of Commerce, so how do we create jobs? I want to talk to small business owners in the constituency and indeed the entire city of Kumasi, so we can explore ways by which they can expand and employ more people.

I would like to have periodic dialogue with the constituents and see how we can, together, make progress. I do not promise Silver or Gold, but I can, and will, deliver good leadership to my people – leadership of integrity, leadership of service and leadership of hard work: that is what Rotary taught me!.

I believe that any NPP Parliamentary aspirant to this important nomination process should be willing to submit to the delegates/voters his/her views, competence, and record of active service to the party and the community in the primaries. Not only do I come from this constituency, I was born and bred here – *I'm a true son of the soil! *

I'm also a true blue NPP man, having served as the founding president of TESCON. It's instructive to note that I coined the term TESCON, and together with my colleagues like John Krugu and Steve Amoah, we led a massive drive to mobilize the over 2000 tertiary students in the Ashanti region who served as polling agents in the three Northern regions during the 2000 elections. This monumental service rendered by TESCON contributed, to a large extent, in avoiding another rigging in the 2000 elections. I am the immediate past youth organizer, North America NPP, and also a "poster pasting" foot soldier of the Bantama Constituency. No one in this race has a better record of active service to our great party – the NPP.

It is with this image that I begin this campaign.


*Francis Asenso-Boakye*

Born on 24 September, 1977 at Bantama, Kumasi, Francis Asenso-Boakye completed his "O" Level Education at Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School and his "A" Level Education at Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School. After his secondary education in 1996, Francis did his national service at the Ahafo Ano South District Assembly in Mankranso as Revenue Mobilization Officer.

In 1997 he enrolled at the Kwame Nkrumah University Science and Technology, and graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Development Planning. After graduation, Francis did his national service with the Ghana Investment Promotion Center, Accra as a Research Analyst during which he participated in Investment Surveys on Ghana by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank.

After his national service, Francis was appointed Planning Officer for Ghana Free Zones Board in charge of the management of the Tema Export Processing Zone. Whilst at Ghana Free Zones Board, Francis received the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship Award from Rotary International (RI) to pursue graduate studies in the United States. In 2003, he enrolled at the Michigan State University and in 2005 graduated with a Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPA). At Michigan State University, he also worked as a policy and research associate for Michigan Legislative Black Caucus of the Michigan House of Representatives. Upon completion of his graduate internship, he received a special tribute from the State of Michigan for the role he played in drafting an "Issues Book" for the black caucus. The "Issues Book" serves as policy guidance to the black caucus in their legislative work.

As part of his ambassadorial scholarship responsibilities, Francis visited and made presentations to a number of Rotary Clubs in the United States and Canada. Having worked for the two lead investment promotion agencies in Ghana, he used the opportunity to market the investment opportunities in Ghana. He also participated in a number of fundraising events and helped raise funds for Rotary International. As a result he was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow by RI "in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world".

After graduating from Michigan State University, he worked for Delta Acquisitions and Development in Delaware, as Project Supervisor. He is currently the Executive Manager for Global Media Alliance, a communications company based in Accra, Ghana.

Francis' political life started in his local community of Bantama, where he was an Executive Member of the Bantama Students Union (BASU). It was during this period that BASU, in conjunction with the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, organized one of the most successful drives to pursue community and social development activities such as tree planting and tutorial classes for junior and senior secondary school students during long vacation holidays. At Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School, he was the founder and President of the Pan African Youth Club - an organization whose primary activities involved organizing debates and promoting good moral values amongst the students. At the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Technology, he was President of the College of Architecture and Planning Students' Society and a member of the Student Representative Council (SRC).

He is the founding president of the Tertiary Students Confederacy of the NPP (TESCON), and immediate past Youth Organizer USA-NPP.

Mr. Francis Asenso-Boakye can be reached at email: **

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