
Ashanti Newtown Club Now Tops League


The Ashanti Newtown Club of the UK has topped the league of donors of UK-Ghanaian Community Associations with a donation of ?1,500.00 to the Five Pounds No Balance Police Appeal Fund set up in March this year to solicit contributions from Ghanaian Associations and individuals for the procurement of basic tools for the Ghana Police Service.

The Ghana Union of Manchester ranks second with a donation of ?1,400.00, while the Ghanaian Association of Middlesbrough takes the third spot with a donation of ?1,100.00 to the fund.

At its annual general meeting held in London, the Chairman of the Club, Nana Owusu Sekyere told members that the contribution was inspired by the need to strengthen the arms of the Ghana Police Service in fighting crime in the Ghanaian society.

He was convinced the association’s contribution would encourage all Ghanaian associations who are yet to make their contributions to do so as a show of solidarity for the efforts being made by government to re-equip the Ghana Police.

Speaking at the meeting, the High Commissioner, H.E. Mr. Isaac Osei thanked the 200-member Club for their kind gesture and assured them that their contribution would go a long way in helping to procure vital equipment for the Ghana Police Service.

He told the meeting that as a result of their contribution, it was likely that the fund would be able to exceed its expected target of ?20,000.

H.E. Mr. Isaac Osei took the opportunity to brief them on developments at home and urged all Ghanaians to join in the crusade to lift the country to greater heights.

He said the transformation going on in all fields under the inspired leadership of H.E. John Agyekum Kufuor was ample indication that Ghana would soon resurrect from the economic and social degradation it found itself in before the NPP government’s assumption of office.

He spoke of the restoration of macro-economic stability which had provided fertile grounds for the smooth operations of all sectors of the economy and given impetus to prospective investors to invest in the country.

Answering questions during the meeting, H.E. Mr. Isaac Osei noted that the various major road construction works and projects have started in earnest; thus creating new jobs for the previously unemployed.

On the National Health Insurance Scheme, H.E. Mr. Isaac Osei said its introduction was a surest way to serve the medical needs of the disadvantaged majority.

He appealed to Ghanaians abroad to sponsor the medical insurance packages for their brothers and sisters back home as their contribution to improving the lives of their compatriots.

During a fundraising dinner dance, which raised the ?1,400.00 to the Five Pounds No Balance Police Fund by Ghanaians resident in Manchester, the Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Kwabena Baah-Duodu urged Ghanaians to contribute their quota towards the reconstruction of their country. He reminded them of the need for an effective and reliable police force as a means of ensuring security, first for the individual and the state as a whole to enable the citizens live in peace and go about their normal duties without fear.