
Be a millionaire through business, not corruption

Sun, 21 Apr 2013 Source: Uhuru Times

...Not through Corruption, says Ghanaians Abroad's Leader
By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)
Ghana should produce Millionaires through Entrepreneurship, and not through Corruption, or stealing of State resources, says the leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who has publicly pleaded with the White House, and Corporate America to support Ghanaian Entrepreneurs.

The Politician has pledged to build a College for Women Entrepreneurs in Ghana, to produce African Women Millionaires --- (in Memory of his late oldest Sister, Ataa Ama, also known as "Auntie Ataa", alias "Auntie Jemima", who was a Successful Businesswoman, and wife of Businessman / C.E.O. "Director" Mr. Sekyere) ).

Meanwhile, the International Politician has publicly invited His Excellency, President John Mahama, NPP Flagbearer, Nana Akuffo Addo, former President John Agyekum Kufuor, and former Military Junta Leader, cum, former Head of State, cum, former President, Jerry John Rawlings, etc, etc, to smoke Peace Pipe at the Funeral Celebration of his late (sister), on Saturday, May 11, 2013, at Fankyenebra, also known as ("Fankyenberg"), coined by Kwame Mayor, near Opoku Ware Secondary School, Nhyiaeso Constituency, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region --- Burial on the same day, (May 11, 2013, at Bamang, a Kente weaving Village, near the famouse Kente weaving Village of Bonwire, and also, near Amaape).

The Pro-American Politician, who is pleading with Corporate America in the proverbial "Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave", to sponsor Entrepreneurship Colleges, and Hi-Tech Training Centers in Ghana, and Africa in general, has also, publicly invited U.S. President Barack Obama, former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter; Secretary of State, John Kerry, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Presidents / C.E.Os. of Corporate America, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, and Worldwide Investors, interested in investing in Ghana / Africa, to attend the African Funeral in Ghana, not only to learn about Africa's Customs, and Traditions, but to support the Spirit of Entrepreneurship in Ghana, and Africa in general.

The Politician, who was known during "Great Koss" days as "J.P.K.--- (Political Adviser)", the Self Proclaimed Disciple of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Peaceful, and Non-Violent solutions, who has publicly appealed to all Ghanaians to choose the path of Peace, and has also, publicly appealed to the Government of Ghana to establish National Reconciliation Chapter II, urged People from all Ethnic Groups, Tribes, Religions, and Political Parties, to attend the Funeral Service of his oldest Sister, Ataa Ama, "Auntie Ataa", alias "Auntie Jemima Appiah", (who was a Twin of Apostle Dr. J.P.K. Appiah, a respected, and well known Pastor, and Founder of Followers of Christ International Church in Italy, with Branches in Ghana, etc, etc) --- an Alumnus of "Great Koss", like their other Brothers : John Appiah Boateng, Alumnus of "Great Koss", Matthew Appiah, Alumnus of "Great Koss"; "Jack", Danial Appiah, alumnus of "Krasec", Agyemang Sr, Agyemang, Jr, and their Sisters, such as Sister Mary Adonteng Appiah, Maame Ketewa, Nana Ama, Frema, Maame Sraha, alias "Peggy", Osaa, Kyerewaa, etc, etc.

(Kwame Mayor's Paternal Family side include the Legendary Politician, Mr. Joe Appiah, whose wife, Mrs. Peggy Appiah, was from the Queen's Royal Family of England; the Derkyi Family, such as Atta Panin, Atta Kakra, Awura Abenaa, Tawiah, etc, etc, in USA, Sister Awura Akua, in Ghana; and Bonsu Brothers of (the popular Bonsu Brothers' Stores in Ghana !!!) --- and his Maternal Family side, include the Adonteng Puduo Royal Family of Bamang, and Amaape, such as Obaa-Hemaa, Nana Frema, Abusua Panin Yaw Sarpong, Dwomo, Kwaku Addae; Sister Vic, wife of former Opoku Ware Secondary School's Head-Master, Awuraa Ama --- (Sister Vic's Daughter), etc, etc, and Bishop Adonteng Boateng, the Son of one of their Grand-Father's, and Uncle from Bamang, Adonteng Boateng.

"It's time for Ghana to produce Millionaires through Entrepreneurship, instead of producing Rich People through Corruption, and massive stealing of State resources", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela"


Kwame Mayor, the first indigenous African to run for a higher Public Office in the history of United States, (since America gained its Independence from Great Britain in 1776), who plans to travel to South Africa to visit the Legendary Nelson Mandela, again, appealed to the Government of Ghana to increase the Salaries of Doctors, Nurses, and Teachers, since they are more important than (Corrupt Politicians), who are engaged in massive Corruption of the State, and claiming that he is more concerned about the high rate of deaths, pain and suffering, dis-respect, mistreatment, and in-effective treatment of Patients at Ghanaian Hospitals, the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, has publicly appealed to the Government of Ghana, Amnesty International, United Nations, etc, etc, to immediately launch investigation to what he describes as "Crimes Against Humanity" at Ghanaian Hospitals against innocent Ghanaian Patients, whether rich or poor, old, or young, strong, or weak.

"Ghanaian Hospitals are committing "Crimes Against Humanity" against innocent Patients across the Country, due to the high rate of deaths, pain and suffering; dis-respect, mistreatment, and in-effective treatment of Patients", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who says his Mission is to protect the Human Rights of Patients.

The Pro-American, International Politician, (ex- Precinct Captain / Volunteer for President Barack Obama's Campaign), has appealed to Ghana's National Security, BNI, (Under-Cover U.S. National Security), Pentagon, (Under-Cover Scotland Yard), for Protection of the expected huge Crowd for his Sister's Funeral in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, on May 11, 2013

Kwame Mayor, who was known during his High School days at "Great Koss" as "J.P.K.--- (Political Adviser)", thanked the huge Crowd from all walks of life, that converged at his Sister's "One Week" Celebration in Accra.

The "One Week" Celebration of the late (Sister) of Kwame Mayor, was held on Tuesday, April 09, 2013, in Accra, near former President Aliu Mahama's Old House at Hansonic, Dansoman, while the Funeral will be held in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, at (FaNkyenebea), alias "Fakyenberg", which was coined by "Kwame Mayor", near Opoku Ware Secondary School, on (May 11, 2013), and burial, the same day, (May 11, 2013), at Bamang, near the Kente-weaving Village of Bonwire, in Ashanti Region.

" Although my Sister had Fabroid many years ago, and was afraid of Surgery, Doctor's performed Surgery a few years ago on her, and offered her extraordinary, and unusual expensive treatment before she died".

"I don't know why a few hours before she died, the same Hospital that did Surgery on her refused to treat her, and I don't know whether Nurses at the other Hospital she died were closely monitoring her, after they put my Sister on Life Support".

"Was the Life Support deliberately, or maliciously taken off from my Sister before she died" ?,

"Was my Sister poisoned, by (Outsiders, Domestic, or Foreign Intruders, or Terrorists ?)

"Did she die from her illness" ?,

"Was my Sister murdered" ?

"Did she die due to negligence" ?,

The Politician asked all these questions, as he requested for Autopsy, and appealed to the Nation's Law Enforcement, National Security, BNI, FBI, ICC, and Scotland Yard to investigate the death, (in order to save the lives of other Patients !!!).

( Kwame Mayor's oldest (Sister), Ataa Ama, alias "Auntie Jemima", a Royal Princess from Adonteng Puduo Royal Family of Bamang, near the Kente weaving Villages of Bonwire, and Amaape, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, whose Great-Grand Fathers who are Ashanti War Generals --- the Historical Occupants of Adontenghene, or Adonteng Puduo Chieftaincy Stool, bravery led all Ashantis' wars against Colonialism, and Imperialism, perpetuated on African Soil by "our British White Brothers, and Sisters", died on April 2, 2013, and her "One Week" was held in Accra, near former President Aliu Mahama's old House, at Hansonic, Dansoman, on April 09, 2013)

The International Politician, who is the leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), a former Precinct Captain / Volunteer for President Barack Obama's Campaigns, (CD 37 / CA 22 & CD 47), and 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate at Nhyiaeso Constituency, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region --- is pleading to Ghanaians from all walks of Life, "Friends of Ghana"; Members of the Diplomatic Corp, Religious, and Political leaders, especially Nananom, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II; U.S. President, Barack Obama, Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Mahama, NPP Flagbearer, Nana Akuffo Addo, Ghana's Chief Justice, and other Supreme Court Judges, who are hearing Election's Case, such as Justice Paul Baffoe-Bonnie; CPP Chair-Person, Samia Nkrumah, CPP Presidential Candidate, Dr. Abu Sankara, PPP Presidential Candidate, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, Independent Presidential Candidate, Kwesi Yeboah, Ghana's Ambassador to United States, His Excellency, Daniel Ohene Agyekum; Dr. Sekou Nkrumah, Kofi "Chuck" Wayo, "Great Koss" Alumni, and Students, etc, etc --- to attend the Funeral Celebration, on (May 11, 2013), at FaNkyenebra ("Fakyenberg"), Nhyiaeso Constituency, near Opoku Ware Secondary School in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, and burial at Bamang, the Kente weaving Village, near the famouse Kente weaving Villages of Bonwire, and Amaape, while the early "One Week" event was held in Accra, (for the sake of Unity, and National Reconciliation Chapter II !!!).

The Mortal Remains of the Good Samaritan, Fearless, Courageous, Moralist, and Ethical Lady, Sister Ataa, will be taken to her Home-Town of Bamang, in Ashanti Region.

It should be noted that, the day of the Funeral, is (May 11, 2013), and Sunday's Service on May 12, 2013, will be announced on Radio, and Television Stations around the Country, and also, published by Ghanaian Newspapers.

The Great Politician, who is in a State of Shock, will attend the Funeral of his oldest Sister, Ataa Ama, "Auntie Ataa", alias "Auntie Jemima", whom he described as his ("Second God on Earth, after God Almighty !!!").

"My Sister helped me, and many People"

"She was Selfless, and Yes, apart from God Almighty, she was indeed, my Second God on Earth", said the Great Politician in un-controllable tears.

The Politician's other Family members from Bamang, who are in the East Coast, such as Sister Theresa, Nana Bawuah, Boatemaaa, Nana Yaa, Abena, Akwasi Addae, Kwaku Dua, etc, etc, are also in Great Shock !!!.

Kwame Mayor's Childhood Friends at Asafo, and Ash-Town, considered as Family members, such as Akwasi Bonsu, aka, "Kennedy", and Adwoa Bonsu, in Germany; Osei Bonsu in Japan, Kwadwo Bonsu, Kwasi Bonsu, Cooper Bonsu, Eno, alias Philomena, Adwoa Birago, Abena Bonsu, Akua Bonsu, Afua Tabia, Birago, Koo Dwuma, "Acheba", (Nana Adu, Chief of Maakro ), etc, etc, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, are all in Great Shock !!!

The Politician has briefed other friends at Amakom, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, during his Childhood days, such as Kow Wotwe, John Dedu, Sister Efe, Ama Serwah, etc, etc, in the East Coast, via Emails, and Text messages.

Good Friends like Nelson Amankwah, and USC Friends, like Dean, Dr. Sludge, etc, etc, and Ghanaian, as well as African Communities in USA, have been briefed

Good People from USA, like Dr. Legardy, and her Daughter, Dr. Lejeune; and Dr. Gertrude, and Family, etc, etc, Eritrea, especially, Nikki, Isaac, and Hanah; Ethiopia, Ghana, such as Anita, Rev. Asante, Elder Nii of Ghana's Pentecost Church, Opoku, an Educationist / Teacher, Sue, and her husband, Nana Osei Tutu, Abena, "Fanny", and her husband; Nana Assibey, Kwame Ofori, Amakye, Pastor Opong, Mrs. Betty; Gloria, Janet, Juliet, Maame Pokua, Joyce's Husband, and Family members; Kwasi Poku, Yaw Manu, "Obaa Yaa", all Ghanaian Pastors, etc, etc; Liberia, Nigeria, such as Eziche, Veronica, Chima, Mcfoy, etc, etc, Sierra Leone, eg. Petrina, Dr. Congo, etc, etc, have all been informed, and have expressed their Condolences.

Kwame Mayor, alias "J.P.K.--- (Political Adviser's), High School Mates at "Great Koss", such as Appiagyei, "Mogya", "Zee", "Laputa", Lydia, Rita, "Ballard", Cecilia, Boadu, Amakye, Awuzi, etc, etc, have also been notified, via (Electronic Mails, and word of Mouth !!!).

The Scholarly Politician, who founded such Non-Profit Organizations, such as "Abena Akyiah Memorial Fund", to pay School Fees for Poor Students to attend College, Vocational, and Technical Schools, again, pledged to name a Private School he intends to build in Ghana, after his Sister, who just passed away, and soon provide Scholarships to Women Entrepreneurs to emulate the hard work, and "Spirit of Entrepreneurship" of his late Sister, who used her Wealth to help the Poor, like the Legendary Mother Theresa, who deserves Sainthood !!!.

Source: Uhuru Times