
CEANA Hits Ho For Annual Convention

Sun, 15 Jul 2007 Source: ceana

As part of Ghana's Golden Jubilee celebrations,the internationally known powerhouse organization; The Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA), will be having its 14th annual convention at Ho, in the Volta Region from July 27th through August 5th 2007. This convention is expected to attract over 200 Ghanaians as well as friends of Ghana in North America. The convention which is usually held in most of the major cities in North America has decided to move to Ghana this year in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee. While in Ghana, the convention participants will participate in various activities but more importantly, will be conducting community services in the Volta Region.

CEANA is the umbrella organization of all Ewe associations in North America with a permanent secretariat in New York City. The organization's aim is to promote contact of all Ewes in North America to harness their intellectual, social, economic and cultural talents for the development of Eweland.

This year's convention will attract an array of distinguished personalities in Ghana from community leaders, academicians, chiefs, politicians whose interest lie in furthering the development of the Volta Region and Togo.

Source: ceana