
Canada methodist mission angels surprises all

Ohio Methodist 05.13

Sun, 2 Jun 2013 Source: stephen a.quaye

Once again, The Canada Methodist Mission Circuit Choir has put out a splendid performance at the just ended annual conference of association of Ghana Methodist Church Choir in North America which was held in Columbus-Ohio, USA.

The sweet voices of the choristers blended the words of hymnals and canticles that assured the hopeless of God’s promises, healed the sick, advised Christians as well as cautioned members of the trials and tribulations of the world as their songs evangelized all who attended the show.

The circuit choir took part in the choral music night show on May 25, 2013 where members revealed their angelic voices when they mounted the stage to not only sing to entertain other choristers and dignitaries there gathered but also send a message of hope, healing, blessing and spiritual renewal to those who were afflicted.

Under the able leadership of two music directors of Mr. Samuel Asare Kusi and Mr. Samuel Asare Bediako, the Canada Methodist Mission Circuit Angels, presented sweet aromatic hymnals and canticles at the show which had the power to move dignified ladies and men out of their seats to dance nonstop waving white handkerchiefs praising God.

When the Canada Methodist Mission Circuit Choir was mentioned by the moderator of the programme as the next group to mount the stage to present their songs, a big shout greeted them as usual as other groups received a shout.

Nicely dressed in the 170 Ghana Methodist Church Ghana anniversary clothe, the angels started moving to the stage slowly with their songs which caught almost everyone singing alongside with them.

Finally, after they have mounted the stage, they sung a canticle which reminded the gathering of the need to plan and programme their life to meet the lord any time from now because no time is waiting for any man and when the time comes, there would be no pastor to consult before judgment is passed that saw everyone laughing and clapping for them.

But the very song which saw the presiding bishop of Methodist Church Ghana Professor Emanuel Kwaku Asante, the Supervising Missions Coordinator[SMC] for North America, Rt. Rev. Benjamin K Asare and other ministers dancing was the, ”OSEEYE NA WAYE OO,OKAAYE OO NAWAYE OO” songs.

The presiding bishop was spotted on several times smiling enjoying the songs as well as the canticles almost all the choir groups sung including that of the Canada Methodist Mission Circuit Choir that saw him waving a white handkerchief any time he took to the floor to dance glorifying God.

It was not only the presiding bishop and his able ministers who took to the dancing floor whenever the songs were sung. Other members of the gathering also took to the floor dancing and waving white handkerchiefs as well.

The joy of some persons as the song roll on could be described as having reminded them of miracles that took place in their lives. Very Reverend De-Graft Semi Obiri of the Ghana Calvary United Methodist Church in Toronto-Canada was spotted on countless occasions dancing as depicted in this picture.

After the choral music night show, many members who were spoken to expressed profound joy having attended the programme and listen to those promising songs as well as assuring messages in the songs.

No wonder the presiding bishop Professor Emanuel Kwaku Asante, stated that Methodist singers sing with a view to winning souls for Christ and called for setting up of an ultra modern recording studio to record the hymns and gospel songs.

It is however expected that various choirs including Canada Mission Methodist Circuit Choir will perform excellently as they did in Columbus-Ohio USA, next year in New York.


From: Stephen A.Quaye, Columbus-Ohio, USA.

Source: stephen a.quaye