
Don’t allow your ranks to be divided -NDC North America

Wed, 29 Nov 2006 Source: New Jersey Branch of NDC North America

We read with great concern the decision of the youth of NDC especially those of Lawyer Inusah Fan Club, Wuaku Commission, Friends of NDC and the Zongo Boys of the NDC to leave the party.

We wish to take this opportunity to appeal to the rank and file of NDC members especially in the Northern Region to bury their differences and stay on board to ensure that the party wins next general election. Our differences in opinion, beliefs and assumptions should not be the source of division, but rather source of unity and strength. The youth just as regional executives are all valuable members of our great party, who are needed on board to ensure our imminent victory in 2008.

As we acknowledge that NDC as the largest political party and next ruling party in Ghana it is bound to be a victim of vile propaganda and target for dismemberment, we believe that with dialogue our differences can be translated into unity.

It is our hope that the Northern regional executives of the party will create the necessary opportunity for a dialogue with the aggrieved youth leaders to resolve their differences.

Long live NDC

Source: New Jersey Branch of NDC North America