
Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah steals show in London

WARM reception characterized with sporadic standing ovations amidst chants of “Our next President” that greeted Dr. Ekwow Spio Garbrah on Sunday the 12 of November at the Pre Congress Rally organised by the Draft Spio UK and Ireland branch was enough evidence to show their support for him. Described as “articulate, charismatic, confident, results oriented person, elegant, Intelligent, friendly and courageous” some of the members alluded to the fact that Dr. Ekwow Spio Garbrah has all it takes to be the next president of the country. They consequently appealed to the party’s delegates to consider the Chief Executive officer of the Commonwealth telecommunication organisation for the party’s presidential slot “Since the 2008 presidential race would be crucial, and which calls for an extremely marketable personality like Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah, who has a proven track record.”

“Since his emergence on the Ghanaian political scene, he has demonstrated that he possesses all the qualities of a good leader” Nana Acheampong, a member told this reporter after the address, adding, “He is humble, respectful, respectable, presentable, eloquent and above all very competent.” On his part, Mr Kofi Nimo, said the NDC delegates well remember and are very much aware of the positive impact the former Education Minister had brought to bear on his motherland.

These, he said, “as a Minister of Communication of Ghana, 1997-98, Dr Spio-Garbrah initiated, developed and implemented policies and programmes that supported the increasing convergence of telecommunications, broadcasting, the Internet, publishing, news media and postal services, all of which were under his supervision. Concurrently, as chairman of the National Communication Authority, he had responsibility for regulating all aspects of the telecom, Internet and broadcasting sectors.

Whilst Education minister from 1998-2002, he was credited with the creation of the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund), which currently mobilizes some $50 million each year from the VAT for educational sector infrastructure and student assistance programmes”.he continued “ earlier, he had chaired the Public Education Committee that helped to establish the VAT system in Ghana, which currently nets more than $200 million of additional revenue to support the full range of government expenditures.

As ambassador to the United States, from 1994-97, Dr Spio-Garbrah was noted for his success in rebuilding Ghana’s image across the United States, including organising an unprecedented eight-city investment promotion programme for Ghana’s President in the USA. As a result partly of the successful bilateral programmes he executed, Ghana became the first country to be visited by President Bill Clinton during his famous five-country Africa visit in 1998.” Addressing the gathering which attracted people from all walks of life, Dr. Ekwow Spio Garbrah tasked everyone to let the people, especially those at the grassroots, know the achievements of NDC.

Speaking without notes he urged them to remind the masses of the great achievements and successes NDC chalked whilst in government, in the areas of health, infrastructural development and economically. He talked about his vision for Ghana. He talked about his reason to come into public life. Social security, Pension for all (dignity in age) better and affordable healthcare, reward for hard work, maximising talents among other issues will be his preoccupation when given the chance to serve his motherland, Dr Garbrah assured all.

Wearing a poppy as it was a Remembrance day, the “Peoples President” as he is affectionately called, also paid tribute to all the Ex-service men and women who fought for victory during the First and second world wars. He also saluted the gallantry men and women who constitute the best armed forces in the world, Ghana Armed Forces.

Source: report by kwaku attah-hayford (