
Envoy to Mail presents letter of credentials

Sun, 11 Jun 2006 Source: GHANA EMBASSY IN MALI,

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to Mali, H.E. Major-General Clayton Naa Boanubah YAACHE presented his credentials to H.E. Mr. Amadou Toumani TOURE, President of the Republic of Mali at the Presidency, Koulouba on Friday, 31st March, 2006 at 09h00. The Letters of Recall of the former Ambassador, H.E. Kwadwo Afoakwa Sarpong, were also received.

H.E. Mr. Amadou Toumani TOURE, whilst accepting the letter of credence, congratulated Ambassador YAACHE on his recent appointment by his Colleague and Dear Brother President H.E John Agyekum KUFUOR. Host President Tour? assured the in-coming Ambassador, the second to have been posted to Mali since the re-opening of Ghana Embassy in 2002, that the Malian authorities would spare no effort in extending to him, the usual warm and dedicated cooperation that would help the new Ambassador bring the warm level of relations between Ghana and Mali to even higher grounds by building on what his predecessor left behind.

During the short t?te-?-t?te following the solemn acceptance of the Letters, H.E. Mr. Amadou Toumani TOURE and H.E. Major-General Clayton YAACHE recalled the excellent historical ties between Ghana and Mali dating from the African independence era and emphasised that having established those solid foundations for collaboration especially in the political field, there was now the urgent need, in this current era of globalisation, to explore new ways to prioritise economic cooperation between the two countries for the betterment of the circumstances of their peoples.

The two men, in that vein, identified areas for the mutual deepening of the existing bilateral relations, particularly within the framework of the Ghana-Mali Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation. It was also agreed that measures would be taken, among others, to reinforce the use of Ghana?s corridor for transiting goods to and from Mali; facilitate the training of Malian security personnel in Ghanaian institutions for Peacekeeping assignments undertaken within the ambits of ECOWAS, A.U and U.N.; and pursue the exchange of cultural programmes including the training of Malian Foreign Affairs personnel in English competency in Ghana.

In his contribution, Ambassador YAACHE expressed the deep appreciation of the Government of Ghana to the Government of Mali for the donation of two plots to Ghana for the construction of a Chancery, and emphasized that steps were being taken to commence actual construction of the Project within the shortest possible period.

On Mali?s Governance record, the Ghanaian Ambassador, recalling his military background, indicated that as a retired soldier, he was humbled by the opportunity that had been offered him to represent Ghana in a country ruled by a gallant retired soldier who had chalked numerous achievements including economic progress, deepening of democratic space and ideals, and the respect for rule of law all of which had contributed to earn Mali the enviable status of an oasis of peace and stability on the continent of Africa.

Both the Head of State and the new Ambassador concluded the ceremony by wishing each other personal good health as well as greater levels of success for their two countries.

Present at the ceremony was H.E. Mrs. Margaret YAACHE, spouse of the new Ambassador, the Deputy Ambassador, Dr. W.G.M. Brandful and key host officials from both the Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Prior to his appointment as Ambassador, Major-General Yaache served and held several positions in the Ghana Army for about forty (40) years. He rose through the ranks to become a Major-General and Army Commander. During the two occasions that he served in civilian institutions in Ghana, he held the positions, respectively, of the Managing Director of Ghana Tourism Development Company and Director of Department of National Lotteries of Ghana. He attended major military courses in Ghana, India, U.K., Egypt, and China among others. His long military service included participation in U.N. Peacekeeping operations in Egypt and Lebanon. Elsewhere in Africa, he participated in the U.N. Humanitarian Mission in Rwanda in the capacity of ??. He has received awards for his meritorious and dedicated service to state and humankind including the Award of ?Officer of the Order of the Volta?, given as part of the celebration of Ghana?s 49 years of Independence.

The new Ambassador has a working knowledge of French. He and his spouse are blessed with three children. His hobbies include hockey, basketball and gardening.
