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Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc. marks its 40th anniversary.

Ewe Association Of Washington DC.jpeg The theme chosen for the occasion was 'Uniting generations through leadership and development'

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 Source: Reuben Hadzide, Contributor

The Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc., one of the founding members of the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA), celebrated its 40th anniversary on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the Salvation Army Hall on 20021 Aircraft Drive in Germantown Maryland. The Ewe Association of Washington DC metro, formerly the Volta Club, serves as the umbrella organization uniting Ewe communities and people of Ewe descent residing in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area.

The theme chosen for the occasion was "Uniting generations through leadership and development."

In her welcome address, the vice president and chair of the planning committee, Mrs. Penny Akpene Abotsi Ametepi, expressed her gratitude to Ewe sister associations from New York, New Jersey, Boston, Philadelphia, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas for turning up in their numbers to offer support. The chair noted that as the association celebrates this landmark, this is undoubtedly the beginning of new things to happen to the association. She asked that we bond to create a more prominent family and do more extraordinary things for our youth and kith and kin back home.

Goodwill messages were received from leaders and representatives of sister associations present at the event.

The Maryland General Assembly sent a citation to the Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc. in recognition of 40 years of promoting the cultural heritage of Ewe people from Ghana, Togo, and Benin. Bernice Mireku, North Montgomery County delegate for legislative district 14, presented this citation.

The President of the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA), Dr Tsatsu Nyamadi, thanked the Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc. for the invitation and their active participation in CEANA activities. He noted the association is one of the highest contributors to CEANA's fundraising efforts and felt obliged to come and thank members personally. He called on all Ewe people everywhere in the USA to join associations close to them to develop Eweland together.

The President of the Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc., Vincent Hamenu Kosi, acknowledged the presence of past presidents of the association through whose collective work this anniversary was held and asked them to join him on the floor to sing the unity song of the association.

The White House awarded one Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc. member, Mr. William Adzimahe, a Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifelong commitment to building a stronger nation through volunteer services. It was signed by the President of the United States, Joseph R Biden. The award was presented by Dr Bishop Evans Glover and Ghana's ambassador to the United States of America, Hajia Alima Mahama.

The guest speaker for the evening was Hajia Alima Mahama. She expressed her joy at seeing the children's cultural display. She congratulated the Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro for the remarkable differences they have made in the lives of people here and back home. He asked members to be law abiding in all their dealings here in the USA. The ambassador asked Ghanaians in the USA to register with the embassy so that the embassy could be of help in times of need. She also asked those in other states who require new or want to renew their passports to get about a hundred people together, and the embassy will come down to render that service for them. She said that this arrangement would avoid the expenses of traveling to Washington, D.C.

The ambassador thanked Ghanaians for the remittances to Ghana, which have become a great source of relief to many Ghanaians in these trying times.

Other highlights of the evening were the cultural performance by the Volta Dance Ensemble, which comprises children born and raised in the United States of America.

Mr. William Kumah, former President of the Ewe Association of Georgia, led a vigorous fundraising for the Ewe Association of Washington DC Metro Inc. Funds raised will be dedicated to getting a place as a cultural and event center for the youth and the community.

The celebrations were graced by esteemed chiefs and queen mothers, including Torgbui Aglasu Henyo III, Nene Gagli III, Torgbui Kpordoave Ahiagbah IV, Torgbui Adzaklo III, Torgbui Foli Amenyo III, Nene Assanhene Effon-Juddah II, Torgbui Agboka II, Mama Nyuiewomebor O, Mamaga Agbobrah II, and Mamaga Tsyrawah IV. Ben Kofie Gagakuma served as the MC, accompanied by the Forever Friends band led by Jo Pompo.

The event continued with a joint church service led by Reverend Kennedy Odzafi, Vanessa Mensah Adu, Thompson Amesedzi, and Newman Archer. Rev. Vanessa emphasized the importance of Ewe people rallying together, akin to God's people rallying to God. The association's President reiterated the call for Ewe-speaking individuals and those of Ewe heritage to build a stronger community for themselves and future generations. Additionally, he proposed an annual community church service rotation among the three Ewe community churches.

Following the church service, a grand cookout took place, where attendees proudly wore Ewe Association of Washington DC metro branded T-shirts and paraphernalia. Representatives from various Ewe associations participated. These include the Ewe Association of Greater Boston, United Volta Association of New York, Novisi of New Jersey, Ewe Alliance, Novinyo habobo of Delaware Valley, Dekaworwor habobo of Virginia, Lorlonyo Ewes of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Ewe Association of Georgia (EWAGA). Other associations from the Council of Ghanaian Associations in the Washington DC Metro area (COGA) were also present. They include Ebusua, Ga Adangbe, and the Kawhu community association.

It's heartwarming to witness such vibrant community engagement and cultural celebration!

Source: Reuben Hadzide, Contributor