
Ewe Church Of America Holds Inauguration Ceremony

Fri, 28 May 2004 Source: --

A new Ghanaian Church is being inaugurated in the USA. The name of the church is The Ewe Church of America.

The inauguration/Installation is taking place on Sunday, May 30th, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. The theme of this event is dubbed: ?That they all may be one.? ? Jn 17:21. This ceremony was made known to Mr. Charles Nimmo N-Mensah aka Mr. CNN of by Rev. Kennedy K. Odzafi of Ewe Church of America.

Among the dignitaries and special invited guests attending are: the Ambassadors of Ghana, Togo, Benin, Montgomery County Executive, Hon. Douglas Duncan, Rev. Dr. J. Y. Akoto of E. P. Church, Atlanta and other ministers. Among the members of the media covering the event would be Mr. CNN of, Amandla Newsmagazine and local stations around the Washington metro area. The ceremony is happening at 1pm-6pm, 12800 Newhampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. Rev. Odzafi and the church invite the entire Ghanaian community around the globe to come and support this historic occasion.

The theme speaks for itself: ?That they all may be one.? ? Jn 17:21.

On the eve of this event, there would be a dedication service on Saturday, May 29th at 7pm. All are invited.

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