
First Official Address By H.E. Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei

Wed, 13 Sep 2006 Source: --


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me begin, by expressing my heartfelt appreciation for the time you have all taken to be here this evening at short notice.

I would like to express many thanks to the Almighty God for giving me this opportunity to serve my motherland Ghana. To my parents for instilling in me positive thinking and to my brother Mr. Kwabena Edusei for bringing me to the United States.

I would also like to express my appreciation to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Ghana, Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor for his foresight and persistence despite my early reluctance to accept an appointment in the Public Service. Finally my profound gratitude goes to the Ghanaian Diaspora for their unflinching and varying support.

Fellow Ghanaians and Friends of Ghana, I am most honoured to serve my motherland as Ghana's Ambassador to the U.S. at this opportune time of excellent Ghana/U.S. relations. Ghana is most grateful to the U.S. Government for its unwavering support during this era of true democracy. We are equally appreciative of the various economic initiatives including Debt Relief, AGOA, MCA to name only a few that will no doubt go to buttress our economic development efforts as a nation.

We rededicate ourselves to work harder to enhance and strengthen this relationship. I would like to place on record that long before the principles of genuine democracy became generally accepted in our part of the world, the present Government had over a sixty plus year period, persistently advocated for true democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law and free enterprise. A tradition of which, I am personally and extremely proud to be a part. We are, therefore, comfortable indeed with our present relationship with the United States.

As we approach our 50 years Anniversary of Independence, the emphasis is to follow these democratic principles with economic empowerment. In this connection, and in my capacity as Ghana's Ambassador, I am fully committed to facilitate the process of economic emancipation of our country. Much as Ghana blazed the trail with political independence fifty years ago, we intend to lead the new Africa again in economic development.

We, therefore, call on the U.S. Government for further economic engagement. We are fully ready to facilitate the forging of effective and pragmatic partnerships between the private sectors of both countries to create jobs and eliminate poverty and to realize our objective of attaining middle income status in the not too distant future.

As a Ghanaian Diasporan myself, I know we form part of this important economic partnership. I am committed to work diligently with all Ghanaians and indeed all Friends of Ghana in this endeavour. I intend to facilitate the economic and social empowerment of the Ghanaian Diaspora to form a solid foundation, upon which we will be in a better position to help our dear motherland on a sustainable basis.

Under my leadership the Embassy will facilitate a yearly graduation ceremony for Diasporan children here at the Chancery. We will use the opportunity to instill our good cultural values and organize career counseling. We will help organize Ghanaian Diasporan business executives to network, educate themselves and share good practices. So they can be in a better position to partner with their U.S. counterparts to precipitate small and medium enterprises in Ghana and U.S.

We will dedicate the first Wednesday afternoon of every month to meet willing Ghanaians to promote business, my schedule permitting. This open door policy will continue in bi-annual Town Hall Meetings with the Ghanaian Community.

This Embassy intends to take the bull by the horn in promoting economic diplomacy and will organize business promotion events across all the U.S.A. The Skills Bank project will be reviewed to facilitate BRAIN CIRCULATION towards Ghana's development.

This Embassy under my leadership will, therefore, challenge all Ghanaians and Friends of Ghana to respond in kind. Be law abiding citizens and be good ambassadors of our great nation. I will welcome your feedback and I will need your support.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you once more and God Almighty richly bless you all.

God bless Ghana and the United States of America.

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