
First annual picnic of the Ghanaian Professionals of North America.

Thu, 11 Jun 2015 Source: ghanaian professionals of north america.

The first annual picnic of the newest professional group, The Ghanaian Professionals of North America, took place at the Jackson Park, in Chicago on June 7, 2015. Attendance was great as over 100 professionals from all difference walks of life were present, and the group made some donations to the homeless in the Chicago area after the event.

Information on their Facebook wall tells a lot about the optimistic ambitions of the group. The main objective of the organization is to provide a positive platform to aid, educate, mentor one another as Ghanaian professionals and students in North America. They will also network that would lead to thriving in businesses of members, academic works/ schools, investment/financial educations, and issues regarding health, immigration, job search and placement, relationship and marriage counseling, and also support the youths below the age of 21 to make strategic decisions towards successful future. In addition, organization aim to coordinate and liaison between other chapters in North America, and to provide forums where they can socialize with other potential investors to bring about successful projects to help develop our beloved Ghana, and give back to the communities where they live now.

The above goals will be achieved through workshops, seminars, counseling sections, National Conferences and monthly meetings. To be a member, one must be a Ghanaian or have a Ghanaian lineage, 21 years or older and consider himself or herself a professional or student in north America.

For more information and to join us, please check our;

Facebook page:

meetup group page:

Or email us at

Thank you. Get on board and together we shall a difference in the world.

Source: ghanaian professionals of north america.